poppy field


Cumbria Poppy Appeal Update - June 2019

Cumbria Poppy Appeal Update — June 2019

Staffing Update Due to staffing changes in the North West & Northern Ireland Community Fundraising team, | have stepped up into the CF Manager's role until the end of the year. We are currently advertising for a

temporary CFR for Cumbria & Isle of Man. We hope to have this post filled by July. Further details with follow & in the meantime, please contact me as usual.

Poppy Appeal 2018 Total

| am delighted to tell you that at the time of writing, the total for the Poppy Appeal nationally stands at over £50.2 million! In the North West & Northern Ireland, the current total is £6.25 million [£500k up on the end of year total]. Here in Cumbria, we have raised an amazing £581 230.63 [12% up on the total this time last year] & with the Isle of Man, we have raised £729 190.84, which is a record total & is a fantastic 12.5% up on the same period last year. A huge well done to you all of our Poppy Appeal team for their continued support, hard work & determination. With 4 months of

fundraising until the end this 2018-19 Appeal we are on track for setting an enormous new record total...again!

Ail Year Round Fundraising 2019

Leg it for the Legion 2019 will be held in Carlisle on Sunday 7*” July — registration is now open at https://britishlegion.primoevents.com/ps/event/LegitfortheRoyalBritishLegion

We are also looking for volunteers to support this event — please contact me.

Our Lakeland Ltd Poppy baking range has now been launched — further details at https://www.lakeland.co.uk/rbl

Break for a Brew is being piloted across the North West — a corporate awareness fundraising initiative. This will take place in August — please let me know if you have any suggestions for businesses/organisations to approach.

A range of AYR merchandise is also available for summer events [windmills available today — suggested donation £3.00].

There will be more D Day 75 pins available — please contact me if you would like some.

North West Poppy Appeal Roadshow

The North West Poppy Appeal seminar takes place on Saturday 27" July at the Ambleside Parish Centre. The event starts at 10.30 am [tea & coffee from 10.00am] & finishes at 1.00pm with lunch served until 2.00pm followed by a cruise on the Lake until 3.30/4.00pm. Please let me know asap if your PAO can attend & if not, a volunteer.

Judith Reay Community Fundraising Manager [Acting], North West & Northern Ireland MSO Report County Meeting 15" June 2019