poppy field


Obituaries/In Memoranda



David Holder - Appleby Branch President

David's funeral was held on Wednesday 27 January 2021.

The Branch Chairman, Paul Naisbitt, has said David will be sorely missed:

"It was really lovely funeral with a eulogy by one of his grand children with some very amusing anecdotes about David who had a very good sense of humour and quick wit.

He was a very well respected person within the community and a real gentleman, always willing to help verbally or physically, as an example he and his wife Maud ran the poppy appeal very successfully for many years. 

David joined the Royal British Legion in 1953 and has always been a very active member both on the Club committee and the Branch.

He celebrated his 90th birthday last year and also his 65th wedding anniversary, and will be sorely missed for his knowledge and his humour.

Rest in peace my friend."