poppy field


Sent on behalf of Terry Whittles and Marilyn Humphry

Dear all

Following positive and constructive discussions, the joint Working Group of representatives of the Women’s Section and of the Board of Trustees of The Royal British Legion submitted a plan for the modernisation of The Women’s Section to the Board of Trustees on Thursday  20 October.

We are delighted to announce that this plan, having been agreed by the Central Committee of the Women’s Section, has been approved by the Board. 

We look forward to working together, through the existing Working Group, to develop the necessary procedures and bye-laws that will enable the transition to take place on or before 01 October 2017.

We are happy that, having listened to concerns from all aspects of membership, both in the main part of The Royal British Legion and in the Women’s Section, the Legion has achieved an amicable solution that will enable both parties to move forwards as one whilst retaining the unique identity of the Women’s Section.

The key areas approved are set out below and will guide the modernisation of the Women’s Section, and its inclusion in the governance structures of The Royal British Legion, commencing on or before 01 October 2017.


  • The Royal British Legion Women’s Section membership will abide by the governance arrangements of The Royal British Legion, and shall be accountable to the Membership Council, to which it shall be entitled to appoint one member.


  • The Section will be called The Royal British Legion Women’s Section.


  • The Royal British Legion Women’s Section will retain its National Status.


  • The Royal British Legion Women’s Section will retain its National Standard.


  • The ceremonial dress of the Women’s Section will also be retained.


  • The Chairman of The Royal British Legion Women’s Section will remain on the Board of Trustees.


  • The Chairman of The Royal British Legion Women’s Section will continue to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday until November 2018, after which one wreath will be laid by The Royal British Legion National President on behalf of the whole organisation.


  • The accounting and funding practices of The Royal British Legion Women’s Section shall follow Royal British Legion practice.


  • The membership fees will be aligned to those of The Royal British Legion by 01 October 2019.


  • The Royal British Legion Women’s Section Central Committee will continue to operate sub-committees for welfare, conference and finance and the Section’s schemes will be administered by the Royal British Legion Central Grants team.


  • The Royal British Legion Women’s Section Branches will be eligible to attend and participate in Annual Conference, and from 2018 onwards a member of the Women's Section will be able to stand for election to the National Conference Committee.


  • The next Annual Conference of the Women's Section will take place in April 2017 as usual.  Subsequent Annual Meetings of the Women’s Section will be of a duration of no more than one day, and will be held in the time period between November  and February to enable any motions or nominations to be submitted at least 13 weeks before The Royal British Legion Annual Conference.


We would like to thank all those who have made positive contributions to the discussions surrounding the modernisation of The Women’s Section. We thank you for your patience while these have been ongoing, and we look forward to the successful implementation of the plan.

Kind  regards,

Terry Whittles

National Chairmen

Marilyn Humphry

National Chairman Women's Section

Maria Moffatt

Membership Communications Officer

Direct: 020 3053 7178


 The Royal British Legion

199 Borough High Street

London SE1 1AA