poppy field


Normandy Veterans Service, Sunday 6th June. St Nicholas' gardens, Whitehaven.

The Normandy Vets association service was held at Whitehaven on Sunday 6th June 2021. The Whitehaven branch closed some time ago due to lack of numbers and Bransty RBL Branch volunteered to be custodians of the memorial in St Nicholas gardens in order to pay homage to the veterans of D-Day and to keep their memory alive.

There was an excellent turn out of ten standards from around the local area including the hosts Bransty followed by Cumberland & Westmorland county, Egremont & district, Workington, Sellafield & Seascale, Brampton, Wigton, Harrington, Wathbrow & also the Royal Engineers association branch of West Cumbria. Wreaths were laid by Mr Ian Fisher, Bransty and county deputy Chairman, Mr John Edwards, President of Egremont & district and Whitehaven Town Council Mayor, Chris Hayes. We were also proud to have the last Normandy Vets association Chairman in attendance. Numbers were kept low and strict government and local COVID restrictions were adhered to. The service was carried out by local United reform church vicar David Harkison and Bransty Branch Chaplin, Rev. Rob Jackson. The service consisted of Prayer, reflection and an act of remembrance with last post and reveille bugled by Bransty Member, Martin Ivison.

Our thanks go out to all who supported the event on a beautiful sunny day enabling us to have the first event since restrictions eased.

Rod Eglin

County Parade Marshal

Cumberland & Westmorland County

T 07745 488 599

E rod.eglin@btinternet.com
