poppy field


MSO's Report to County Committee Meeting - 15 June 2019

MSO's Report to County Committee Meeting - 15 June 2019

There has been no new major correspondence since our last meeting however you should all have received the recent email around the proposa! of a new County Chairman and branches are

reminded that the return date for the initial return is as stipulated in the email and no extensions will be given.

This years accounts return packs are out and will be arriving with your treasurers in the next few weeks but I ask if your treasurer has not received his or her pack by the end of this month to let me know and | will get a full set of the documents too them.

A reminder that we have the first of our planned training, County Management taking place next weekend the 22™ and 23” of June her at the RBL Clubhouse, Branch Treasurer training is scheduled for 3 and 4" August and we still have available places for anyone who wants to attend. Standard Bearer Training takes place on the 6" July again at Rockcliffe village hall please encourage your standard bearers and relief standard bearers to attend and then to consider entering the annual County Standard Bearer competition.

Correspondence on this years Cenotaph and Festival of Remembrance should be out soon and | will inform branches once | receive that information
