poppy field


Minutes of the Annual Cumbria County Conference 1st December 2018



Acting Chairman

Jane Brown

Membership Council

TRBL, Eden Rural Foyer,

Old London Road,

Penrith. CA11 8ET


Membership Support Officer


Kenneth Kemp

MSO Northumbria

Pearl Building

7 New Bridge Street

Newcastle upon Tyne

KKemp@british legion.org


Robert Gordon

TRBL, Eden Rural Foyer,

Old London Road,

Penrith. CA11 8ET




Minutes of the Annual Conference

Cumberland and Westmorland Royal British Legion

01 December 2018

Penrith Methodist Church Hall, Wordsworth Street, Penrith. CA11 7QY


In Attendance:

County Committee/Officials


Jane Brown (Acting County Chairman), Mr Ian Fisher (County Vice Chairman), Mrs Margaret Wadsworth, Mr Rod Eglin (County Standard Bearer), Kenneth Kemp covering MSO.

Distinguished Guests


Mr Neville Howard OBE (County President), Rev. David Seargent (Chaplain), Cllr Scott Jackson – Mayor of Penrith, Mrs Sandra Fruish (Guest Speaker, Assistant Director Membership) Miss Nicola Meredith (Area Manager), Mrs Carole Knowles (Advice and Information Team Leader), Miss Judith Reay (Community Fundraiser),

Parade Marshal – Eddy Woodall, Parade Marshall (Northumbria)



Gareth Edwards - Egremont, Tony Reed-Screed, David Parratt, – Sedburgh, Tony Parrini, David Ballantyne, Margaret Wadsworth, Tony Parrinin, John Cadman – Carlisle & Stanwix, William Johnson – Staveley


Branch Delegates


Peter Burns -Wath Brow, Kevin Rishworth -Egremont, Rod Eglin - Bransty, Nick Cross - Sedburgh, Dave Ballantyne - Carlisle & Stanwix, Terry Clancy - Staveley,


The County President officially opened Conference with the Exhortation, Silent Tribute and Kohima.


Cllr Scott Jackson Opened by thanking the Chairman and Committee for his invitation and thanked the distinguished guests and all visitors for attending. Offered the Civic Welcome, concentrating on the valuable service of protection offered by the RBL. Protection of families and individuals, protection of the memories of those lost in conflict and the protection of peace. Thanked the local/Cumbrian RBL for the incredible fundraising work that allowed the invaluable service of welfare in the county.


The Acting County Chair, Jane Brown, offered an opening address. Due to the extenuating circumstances that included the County Chairman and Treasurer both recently resigning, Jane had consulted with the Membership Council Chairman to ask for permission to hold the Conference. Jane has also strongly argued for breathing space for the County to allow for re-grouping and re-organisation. She stated that she is very confident that this is achievable.


Apologies for Absence:

Miss Elaine Willacy, Mr & Mrs M Rowney, John Couling



Minutes of County Conference 2017:

Minutes of the 2017 County Conference were adopted as a true record of events.

Proposed by    Tony Parrini                                          Second by Ian Fisher


Matters arising from 2017 minutes

Jane Brown Membership Council, attended the event and gave a report but is not listed as being in attendance.


Acting County Chairman’s Report

Jane Brown offered a full report, attached…

Recognition to Judith Reay, for her outstanding and continuous efforts in fundraising.

Recognition to Clive Sumpter for his stalwart diligence and support during difficult times.

Primary focus this year will be the County Committee engaging with and supporting branches along with training.



Carlisle branch – As a result of sytem issues apparently losing information which leads to constant updates of members details being required would it be possible to grant basic member detail changes to the branch


Standard Bearers – It was asked if Standard Bearer training could be continued. The Acting Chair and Area Manager agreed that this would be discussed with the MSO on his return and E Woodall of Northumbria offered support to the County Standard Bearer.


County Treasurer’s Report


As the previous County Treasurer had resigned prior to the Annual Accounts being finalised and Independently Examined they will be sent to Haigh House for Audit. Therefore the delegates were asked if they were in agreement that the Financial Report would be posted out when complete. There was unanimous agreement.


Adoption of Minutes and Reports

Due to the current extenuating circumstances which were fully explained by the Acting Chairman the delegates were asked to accept the submitted reports and last years minutes. This was agreed


Sandra Fruish MBA MSc -Assistant Director Membership

Sandra delivered the Corporate Address and concentrated on the following points, GP90, Thankyou project, Welfare and in particular Social Isolation. For 2019, Haig House will be delivering nationwide roadshows, a review of training with a more long-term view, Safeguarding will be at a forefront and the Membership Strategy will be more personalised to member interest and needs.

Along with an organisational thankyou, Sandra offered a personal thankyou to everyone present and all those involved with the RBL in Cumbria, for their continued hard work and commitment.

Report attached



Carlisle branch sought assurance that the previously submitted and accepted motion, to allow more branch spending on local emergency welfare cases, would be a point of statement at National Conference.

Sandra explained that the Grants Team are taking this forward and that both herself and Jane are following this closely. Policy adoption was being carefully considered by respective teams and the Operations Team are working hard to achieve a result.


Ian Fisher – Stated that GP90 coverage in the UK was very poor, why was this the case.

Sandra explained that all major National media were advised and invited to cover the event. However, choice of coverage was outside of the RBL influence. She also stated that local media seemed to have better coverage, some national press had decent coverage and that Social Media was very good.


Ian Fisher – Stated that there were constant issues with office365 and in particular with BCS report uploading. He asked that there be made available, low-level training for O365

Tony Parrini re-iterated this and said that Tom Shepherd has never given a specific answer to any specific question.

Sandra agreed to take the issues and discuss with Tom Shepherd

Jane asked that any system issues be noted and given to the MSO. Then she informed those present that forthcoming training-details would be sent to branches the MSO’s would be contacting branches collating BCS information inputting it into the system.


Ian Fisher – asked if a publication giving information on RBL services and contact details could be made available for personnel leaving the Armed Forces


Sandra agreed to look into the idea.


Ian Fisher – Asked if there could be a physical presence RBL presence in garrisons across the UK to support leaving personnel?


Sandra responded that all UK areas worked differently in this regard, giving the example that in the South East, Armed Forces Engagement is in place and the RBL works closely with other organisations offering this kind of support. However, Sandra agreed that the RBL communication/engagement promotion could be better.


Tony Parrini – Explained that online Welfare courses were proving to be difficult for case-workers to complete.

Carole Knowles stated that she knew of the case to which Tony Parrini was referring in relation to on-line training programme and assured him that steps had been taken to address the problems.


Nicola Meredith Area Manager, Northern

Report attached


Judith Reay Community Fund Raiser – Report

Report attached


County Committee Elections/Re-elections and Nominations

Jane explained that due to the current extenuating circumstances, the process for these had not been adhered to. Therefore, prior to the next County Committee Meeting branches would be contacted by the MSO and asked if would like to nominate and members for co-option onto the County Committee.



Tony Parrini – STATED that although Mike Rowney’s nomination for County Chairman was late he was still interested in the post.


Jane – replied that although her position as Acting Chairman is not permanent the County is in Administration and its progress will be monitored by the Membership Council who will take decisions regarding the next steps as and when appropriate


Election of County Vice Chair

Ian Fisher was elected unopposed.


Presentation of Awards



Major J W Smith Poppy Day Rose Bowl

For branches over 50 members

Presented by: Sandra Fruish


To Bransty, with an increase of 32.8%


George Coles Poppy Trophy Branches

For below 50 members

Presented by: Nicola Meredith


To Staveley, with an increase of 21.1%



The County Membership Shield

For largest increase in branch members, for branches with RBL Club support

Presented by: Ian Fisher


Jointly to, Penrith and Workington

An increase of 11 members each


Captain J W Smith Memorial Cup

For largest increase in branch members, for branches without RBL Club support

Presented by: Neville Howard


To Carlisle and Stanwix,

An increase of 21 members


The Cumbria Poppy Appeal Award

Presented/announced by: Judith Reay


To   Elaine Willacy, in absence


Special award of gratitude

Presented by Judith Reay and Jane Brown


To Margaret Wadsworth


Date and Venue of County Conference 2019:

To be discussed first County meeting

Vote of Thanks

Jane Brown offered a vote of thanks to:

Cllr Scott Jackson, Sandra Fruish, Neville Howard, Rev. David Sergeant, Nicola Meredith, Judith Reay, Jo Tull, Kenneth Kemp, the County Committee – Tony Crane, Mike Rowney and Ian Fisher. Everyone attending the Conference.

Prayers   -   Offered by Rev David Sergeant (Chaplain)

Handover of County Standard

The president Mr Neville Howard offered The Charge to Mr Rod Eglin.

The Charge was accepted and Mr Rod Eglin is officially recognised as the County Standard Bearer


National Anthem         

Acting County Chairman Closes Conference   

Jane Brown officially closed the Annual Conference for 2018

Acting County Chairman invited Standards to March off