poppy field



Mr   Tony Crane,

13,   Hawesmead Ave,

Kendal.   LA9 5HB

01539   737831



Membership Support   Officer

Mr   Clive Sumpter

Membership   Support Officer

TRBL,   Eden Rural Foyer,

Old   London Road,

Penrith.   CA11 8ET

07805   281168



Lt   Col M R Rowney MBE, FInstLM, MCMI


Ballplay   Road


Dumfriesshire   DG10 9JX

07912   885250


 Minutes of the Annual Conference

Cumberland and Westmorland Royal British Legion

2rd December 2017

 The Royal British Legion Club, Musgrave House, Penrith


In Attendance:

County Committee

Mr Tony Crane (County Chairman), Lt Col. Mike Rowney MBE (County Treasurer), Mr Ian Fisher (County Vice Chairman), Mr Ray Hutchinson, Miss Elaine Willacy, Mrs Margaret Wadsworth, Mr Roger Burge (County Standard Bearer), Mr Clive Sumpter MSO Mr Richard Glenister.

Distinguished Guests

HM Lord Lt. Mrs Claire Hensman (County Patron), Mr Neville Howard OBE (County President), Mr Fred Fox (Penrith Branch Chairman), Mrs E Bamber (President Penrith W/S), Miss L Wong-Bamber (Penrith W/S), Mr Marcus Hawthorn (Area Manager), Mrs Carole Knowles (Advice and Information Team Leader), Miss Judith Reay (Community Fundraiser), Mr Colin Gibson (Guest Speaker ADO Ops)


J Train Kendal, E Willacy Arnside, R Hutchinson Penrith, K Beck, J Couling Carlisle, P Burns and K Faulkner Wath Broww, G Warren Wigton, B Warren Wigton, B Pease Brampton, R Burns Brampton, N Cross Sedbergh, D Parratt Sedbergh, N Howard, AP Holly Workington, Keith Faulkner Wath Brow

Apologies for Absence:

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from: Ian Chambers and Ullock & Dist branch RBL, J Muir County Committee Egremontn. 

Branch Delegates

Brampton, Bransty, Carlisle and Stanwix, Penrith Sedbergh, Wath Brow, Wigton, Windermere, Workington

The County Chairman welcomed everyone to the Conference.

The County President officially opened Conference with the Exhortation and Silent Tribute.

The County MSO Led guests and delegates in prayer.

The County Chairman introduced the Distinguished Guests.

Mr Fred Fox extended a cordial welcome in his capacity as Chairman of Penrith Branch.

The County Vice Chairman Mr Ian Fisher welcomed everyone to the event

Adoption of Standing Orders

The meeting voted unanimously to adopt the standing orders.

Minutes of the 2016 County Conference we adopted as a true reflection of events. Proposed by I Fisher Second by E Willacy vote carried.

Matters arising from 2016 minutes

Nil matters arising

The County President Mr Neville Howard congratulated all involved in the Poppy Appeal and thr day to day running of the legion.

The President’s address concluded by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and good wishes for the New Year. The full address is attached at Annex A

County Chairman’s Annual Report

Mr Cranes report is available at Annex B

Adoption of the County Tresurers report Attached at Annex C There are still some accounting issues to sort with the report and at this time the year end accounts remain unreconciled. Three year plan attached at Annex D not available as a report at the conference so not voted on at this time.

The Guest Speaker Mr Colin Gibson

Mr Gibson’s report is unavailable at this time and I await its arrival I will than get a copy out to branches.

Mr Marcus Hawthron Area manager Northern

Mr Hawthorn report is unavailable at this time.

Jane Brown national Membership Council

Jane introduced herself to the attendees and announced her plans to visit all Cumberland and Westmorland branches is on track but due to issues with the County team in Northumberland she had not been to see as many branches as she would like. She has reiterated her plan to get to all branches and will visit those branches she has yet to attend in the New Year.

Judith Reay Community Fund Raiser

The CFR report is available at Annex E

There followed two presentations on BCS and GP 90 by Mr Marcus Hawthorn and Clive Sumpter MSO

See Annex F and G

Motions for annual conference.

Carlisle and Stanwix Chair proposed the motion as below. The Proposer Mr T Parrinni then spoke in support of the motion. No person spoke against. The Motion was proposed by Carlisle and Seconded by Brampton Branch

Delegate. The vote was  carried by 6 to 1 in favour of sending the Motion to national Conference as a Cumberland And Westmorland Motion.

Location and Date of next Annual Conference. Penrith RBL Club and a date of December 1st was proposed by Wigton branch and seconde3d by Bransty. Conference voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.

Presentation of Awards By Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant Claire Hensman.


Major J W Smith Poppy Day Rose Bowl For   branches over 50 members



To Brampton with an increase of 9.2%


George Coles Poppy Trophy Branches below 50   members


To Arnside with an increase of 11.2%



George Coward Trophy Poppy appeal with no   Branch Support



To Orton PAO with an increase of 18.11%


County membership Shield for branches with   Club support



To Penrith with an increase of 23 members


Captain J W Smith memorial Cup for branches   without club support



To Carlisle and Stanwix Branch with an   increase of 22 members


Lonsdale Youth Award for County Youth   Endevour.


To Penrith Army Cadet Detachment.



County Chairman’s Shield County for County   Youth Encouragement



To Kendal Air Training Corps

Donations to Byng House, Lister House and the Cumbria Benevolent Fund.

Due to the accounts for the County being unreconciled at this time this is to be decided at a later date and branch input will be sought.