poppy field


Cumbria Poppy Appeal Update - February 2019

Cumbria Poppy Appeal Update - February 2019

2018 Poppy Appeal

This year's Poppy Appeal was the biggest logistical operation in the Legion's history, with the end of the First World War centenary driving public support for Remembrance.

The Royal British Legion has thanked the public for their generous support in the year that marked the end of the First World War Centenary and the charity’s biggest Poppy Appeal in recent memory. The Legion has released new figures about the scale of its operation this year, although it won’t be known for a number of months whether the charity has hit its £50million target for the 2018 Appeal.

  • The charity distributed 200,000 extra collection tins compared to 2017
  • The total value of contactless donations made was £210,000, up from £67,000 last year, and the average value of a donation increased from £3.53 to £4.67
  • 83,000 specialist event poppies were distributed, and 130,000 poppy wreaths
  • More income will be received from our supermarket partners such as Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Morrison’s who collectively processed and banked £6.3m in 2017
  • Special fundraising days where serving personnel and veterans come together to collect held in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Bristol together raised £958,000 up from £899,000 last year
  • The Legion Poppy Runs across the country doubled the number of participants. Over 7,000 runners took part in a park or virtual poppy run and they have already raised £200,000.
  • Cumbria held an amazing PA launch at St John’s Church, Keswick – the cascade of 13k poppies attracting 1000s of visitors & raising £4000.
  • Cumbria Thank You Day was an incredible day. In partnership with Virgin Trains, West Coast, Duke of Lancs Reservists & West Lakes College students £2000 was raised on the stations & trains.

I am delighted to tell you that at the time of writing, the total for the Poppy Appeal nationally stands at over £42 million [£1.5 million up on the same period last year]. In the North West & Northern Ireland, the current total is £4.9 million [£300k up on this time last year]. Here in Cumbria, we have raised an amazing £545k [matching our end of Appeal total for 2017-18 & 8% up on the total this time last year] & with the Isle of Man, we have raised £678k, which is well on the way to smash another record & is a fantastic 7% up on the same period last year. A huge well done to you all of our Poppy Appeal team for their continued support, hard work & determination. With 8 months of fundraising until the end this 2018-19 Appeal we are on track for setting an enormous new record total…again!

All Year Round Fundraising 2019

D Day 75 commemorations are planned throughout the country. Please forward details of any events & requests of support to me. There will be a D Day commemorative pin available very soon!

Leg it for the Legion 2019 will be held in Carlisle on Sunday 7th July – further details will be circulated of this successful 5k walk, 5k run & 10k city centre family event.

We will have a presence at the Cumberland, Dalston, Grasmere & Westmorland County Shows

North West Poppy Appeal Roadshow

We will be holding our annual North West Poppy Appeal seminar during the summer following on from the successful visits to the National Memorial Arboretum & Byng House. Date & venue to be confirmed soon.


Judith Reay

Community Fundraiser, Cumbria & Isle of Man