poppy field


County Renewal Letters Sent Renewals Full Paid Renewals Part Paid Percentage Rank
National Branches 24964 22370 68 89.9% 1
Northamptonshire 1261 1121 5 89.3% 2
Wiltshire 3303 2876 10 87.4% 3
Leicestershire & Rutland 3093 2682 14 87.2% 4
Berkshire 5532 4816 4 87.1% 5
Huntingdonshire 1109 957 6 86.8% 6
North & East Yorkshire County 3169 2737 5 86.5% 7
Oxfordshire 2155 1856 6 86.4% 8
Cumberland and Westmorland 1817 1560 1 85.9% 9
Bedfordshire 1869 1588 4 85.2% 10
Lincolnshire 3332 2832 6 85.2% 11
Isle of Man 440 374 0 85.0% 12
Nottinghamshire 2822 2390 4 84.8% 13
Gloucestershire 2871 2423 10 84.7% 14
Essex 9094 7651 32 84.5% 15
Devon 6593 5552 14 84.4% 16
Shropshire 1700 1405 30 84.4% 17
Norfolk 2961 2487 11 84.4% 18
Derbyshire 2898 2425 1 83.7% 19
Warwickshire 3068 2554 14 83.7% 20
Buckinghamshire 3380 2817 10 83.6% 21
South & West Yorkshire 5494 4585 9 83.6% 22
Cambridgeshire 2349 1950 4 83.2% 23
Sussex 8326 6894 12 82.9% 24
Isle of Wight 1115 920 3 82.8% 25
Somerset 6877 5674 18 82.8% 26
Greater London District 11814 9722 45 82.7% 27
Northumbria County 2176 1792 6 82.6% 28
Worcestershire 3349 2749 6 82.3% 29
Suffolk 4496 3669 24 82.1% 30
Kent 6736 5495 15 81.8% 31
Hampshire 8875 7231 20 81.7% 32
Surrey 6189 5039 11 81.6% 33
Cornwall 6561 5342 7 81.5% 34
Cheshire 4803 3883 9 81.0% 35
Dorset 7260 5856 19 80.9% 36
Hertfordshire 3976 3203 10 80.8% 37
Staffordshire County 4039 3250 6 80.6% 38
North Wales District 2063 1644 5 79.9% 39
South East Wales District 2561 2021 2 79.0% 40
Greater Manchester County 1374 1082 3 79.0% 41
Lancashire 2932 2311 3 78.9% 42
Northern Ireland 9722 7540 62 78.2% 43
Herefordshire 1584 1231 4 78.0% 44
West Lancashire 2197 1677 5 76.6% 45
District South Spain 857 623 9 73.7% 46
Gwent 1821 1315 8 72.7% 47
South West Wales District 2341 1690 4 72.4% 48
District North Spain 1030 631 45 65.6% 49
Birmingham 1414 887 7 63.2% 50
District Germany 1352 725 56 57.8% 51
Overseas 3416 1855 84 56.8% 52
Republic of Ireland 429 57 3 14.0% 53