poppy field


Byng House – Replacement Amenity Coach

In 2004 Byng House, the Legion’s Family Break Centre in Southport, purchased a bus which has been used at least four times each week for day trips and excursions for beneficiaries staying at Byng House for a break. The amenity coach is a valuable and necessary resource for the well-being of those who are visiting Byng House.

The bus is now beyond economical repair and Byng House needs to purchase a replacement, which will be in the region of £160,000.

Windermere Branch Vice Chairman presented a cheque for £10,000 to Byng House towards the aforementioned appeal. This sum was drawn down from their Wallace Fund legacy held on behalf of the branch.

Windermere Byng House presentation (1)

 Alice and Neil Shaw present  Windermere Branch's £10,000 cheque to the Manager, Mrs Kay Naidoo (centre), at Byng House