poppy field


Contact The Royal British Legion in Cumbria

County Officers and Welfare Staff - (blue/red links for email addresses)
County Patron  
County President Mr Neville Howard OBE

County Chair

Paul Chandler
County Vice Chair John Daly

County Treasurer

Robert Gordon

Membership Support Officer (MSO)


Joanne McNamara

Mobile: 077769 881161

Area Manager


Advice & Information Team Leader Mrs Carole Knowles
Case Officer North Cumbria Mrs Danielle Warwick
Case Officer South Cumbria Jane Quinn
Advice & Information Officer Cumbria Mrs Kerry Newham
Community Fundraiser 

Alan Whitmore

Mobile: 07458090259

County Training Officer

John Daly


Membership Council Representative for Cumbria, IOM and Northumbria

Mr Marc Reynolds

See this link for members of the County Committee

Membership queries can be directed to the MSO's email 

Also membership project/renewal issues, ring the contact centre on 0808-8028080 - or use the link: https://selfservice.britishlegion.org.uk/

Membership of The Royal British Legion is available to all adults, not just members or ex-members of the Armed Forces and we always welcome new members. Online Membership Joining will be closed from 28 March 2015 until mid May in preparation for the introduction of the new system and new membership forms will be available here in early April to take it along to your local branch. Don't forget to fill in the Direct Debit part of the form too.