poppy field


service and veteran personal living with PTSD


Hello, my name is ben. I served in the forces for about 12yrs, in march 2003 at the age of 18 I was deployed to Basra Iraq and then for a second time in 2005. I had many good and bad experiences after I finished my military career, I had no thoughts of any long term effects later in life, until one day I was going through old kit and found blood stained clothing. For me things went rapidly down hill quick, losing jobs, friends and planning to end my life.

But the biggest stress was on my family, where my temper had got so bad my children wouldn't come near me and divorcé was becoming a real thing. In 2022 I reached out for help being diagnosed with complex PTSD.

There is help out there but realistically they are so stretched that many do not get the help they need or deserve before its to late.

 I have self funded this trek and all money raised will go to the charities below. I will be trekking to Everest camp 1 of Mt Everest on the 4th of October to raise as much money as I can and to raise awareness of PTSD and suicide. If I can help a handful of people and their families to get the help they need or save one person from taking their life that would be much more of an reward for me. The charities I am raising for are - the Royal British Legion (Charity number 219279) and one other TBC where the money raised will be split between them
