poppy field


2021 Cooking With Hero's


Please support this wonderful book in support of our Centenary

You may recall that last autumn a project was launched to produce an RBL based cookbook. We are delighted to be able to announce that the book is now ready to pre-order on amazon at a price of £16.15, although we understand that it will shortly be available from Poppy Shop also, where more of the monies raised will go directly to the Poppy Appeal.
Attach the press release for your information.

Our local sponsor for the project is Lt Cdr ‘Tank‘ Murry AFC RN. We will let Tank pick up the promotional trail, with a bit about himself, the book, and his offer to come and promote the book at branch meetings:

I’m a 34+ years served helicopter pilot in the Fleet Air Arm and presently hold the largest number of flying hours within the regular force although I am now flying a desk as the 2ic of the Royal Navy Flight Safety Centre in Yeovilton. I have been the Navy lead within the writing team and am now heading a different Navy team in forwarding the promotion of the book. Although based in Yeovilton, I live in Helston Cornwall and have flown over pretty much every inch of both Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly in my days as an ASW pilot and even more of the area as a SAR pilot on 771 NAS. Having now lived in Cornwall for 30+ years I have a connection these beautiful parts of England. I am hoping either I or a member of our wider team may be able to attend some of your local functions and so celebrate your centenary and our project, whilst also raising funds for The Legion.

In summary, the Book breaks the UK and Commonwealth in to 100 Regions of which Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are two; for each of those regions we have worked with the RBL in that region to identify a local Hero or Heroine to represent the County along with an accompanying recipe that represents the food culture of the Region. In liaison with Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly we chose Commodore Muriel Hocking for Cornwall for her services to the RNR, RBL and women in uniform and Sub-Lieutenant Daniel Lomenech for the Isles of Scilly for his activities with the SOE during WW2 respectively. The recipes chosen were Cornish Moules and Scads and Taties.

The Book has been pulled together by personnel from across the whole Military Family; more than 150 men and women: serving, veterans, reserves, friends, families and even youth groups have contributed towards the Book, all giving their time and talent for free. It is worth noting that the Book is fully endorsed and supported by the RBL with the foreword having been written by Charles Byrne, the Director General of the RBL.

The Book launches on 18 May 21 and we have arranged with the RBL Head Office to send a Book to be displayed in every RBL Club across the UK to help raise awareness of our community project. At least £5 from every book sold will be passed to the Charity with £50,000 having already been donated by our Publisher, St James’s House.

Lt Cdr Murry can be contacted on: Andrew.Murray688@mod.gov.uk

Please pass this information to your branch members and we hope that you are encouraged to buy this book, and to reach out to Lt Cdr Murry & invite him to a Branch or Veterans Breakfast Club meeting.