poppy field

Beds & Herts Counties

Hertfordshire Covenant

Hertfordshire raised the Armed Forces Day Flag at County Hall, Hertford on 21st June, 2022 (photograph taken whilst the Last Post was played from the balcony).

photo by MoD

And then retired upstairs to re-affirm its commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant, as below.

photo by MoD

A photograph of the document may be found here; a fine cake was made, too.

The original Armed Forces Community Covenant (hyperlink to the signed document) between Representatives of Local Government, the Public Sector, the Charitable and Voluntary Sectors, Businesses, The Civilian Community of Hertfordshire and The Armed Forces Community in Hertfordshire. Here's the text;

"We, the undersigned, agree to work and act together to honour 
the Armed Forces Community Covenant in Hertfordshire.
Signed on the Thirteenth of December 2011" 

Covenant - Colonel Fitzgerald RBL
Col Fitzgerald signs the Hertfordshire Covenant 13/12/11 

Quick march toward better deal for Hertfordshire's military families 

Your local county council is working to get as much backing as possible for a
new initiative to support past and present military personnel and their
families in Hertfordshire.
On Tuesday 13 December, the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, senior representatives of Her Majesty's Armed Forces, the Royal British Legion Hertfordshire County Council, all of Hertfordshire's district and borough councils, NHS Hertfordshire, the Hertfordshire Enterprise Partnership, Job Centre Plus and the voluntary and charitable sector assembled at County Hall in Hertford to sign a pledge to develop the Hertfordshire Community Covenant. 
The aim is to establish a countywide community covenant with the Armed Forces - a pact between organisations to support past and present members of the services and their families in the community. 
The covenant in Hertfordshire would help promote access to a wide range of services from health and housing to training and transport.
Chris Hayward, Cabinet Member for Localism and Chairman of the armed forces
covenant steering group, said: "This is an important way we can show our commitment to ensuring that those in the Armed Forces are not disadvantaged as a result of the vital work that they do for us.
"This is not only about those serving in the forces, but also their families and veterans. I hope that more organisations will join us in taking the Covenant forward to ensure members of the services in Hertfordshire have the support they need and are treated with the dignity they deserve."  
Following this pledge signing ceremony today, the intention is to develop the county's community covenant by spring next year. This will focus on a number of areas including help to support the mental and physical health needs of service leavers. It is also proposed to establish a 'Hertfordshire Heroes' website, which will provide a one-stop-shop guide to services, support and advice geared towards Hertfordshire's past and present military personnel and their families in Hertfordshire.

For further comment, contact the Cabinet Member for Hertfordshire Local and Libraries Chris Hayward via the Press Office on 01992 555537.
For further information please contact: 
Tom Shipp, HCC Press Office
Tel: 01992 555537
Fax: 01992 555647


These are scans from a leaflet I picked up at the Herts County Meeting, 7/12/2011, so here's a link to their website; www.hertsdirect.org/hertshelp