poppy field

Beds & Herts Counties


Patricia Mott


Richard Mott

Vice Chairman

John Lloyd


Shawn Heppenstall


Pat Jeffery

Standard Bearer & Committee Member

Shawn Heppenstall

Deputy Standard Bearer

Steve Marshall

Poppy Appeal Organiser & Committee Member

Keith Greenough

Social Branch Care

Dee Fisher

Committee Member

Geoffrey Fisher

Committee Member

Paul Smith

Membership Secretary & Committee member

Linda Woods

Social Secretary

Ailish Kettley-Linsell

Contact the Branch: 

For Membership or general Branch queries, please contact our Branch Secretary Shawn Heppenstall on  07368 266260.

or Stevenage.Secretary@RBL.Community 

For Financial queries or advice to do with branch, please contact our Branch Treasurer on 07885507522  or Stevenage.Treasurer@ RBL.Community

For Poppy Appeal queries, please contact our Branch Poppy Appeal Organiser Keith Greenough, on 07900990595 or keithgreenough535@gmail.com 

For Standard Bearer queries, such as funerals or civic parades, please contact our Branch Standard Bearers Shawn Heppenstall  07368266260 and Steve Marshall  07977272721

Branch Meetings: 

All meetings are held monthly on the first Thursday at the CIU Club ,  31, High Street, Stevenage Old Town, SG1 3AU, commencing at 7.30pm.