poppy field

Beds & Herts Counties

The Hertfordshire County Standard was paraded at the burial of the last remaining, unidentified allied serviceman (found in May 2008) at Fromelles on Monday, 19th July. Our Standard Bearer was escorted by the Hertfordshire County Vice Chairman, Mr Peter Gibbons.

Fromelles Ceremony 19 July 2010.jpg

The service was organised by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, working in conjunction with The Royal British Legion and the French Union National de Combatants and dedicated by His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales.

Although the CWGC has a wonderful website devoted to Fromelles - www.cwgc.org/fromelles - it doesn't appear to have the very well made service order, which was published in English and in French. Your friendly local webmaster (and Hertfordshire County Standard Bearer) has scanned the English version for you; here it is.