This is the temporary home of the 222 Entry, RAF Halton No 1 School of Technical Training.
While our training was the first in its class in the world at the time, things have moved on. The internet was not even dreamt of when we Passed Out (RAF term for 'Graduate') from our apprenticeship in April, 1973 so pay attention! This site is hosting our page while we get up to speed with all things digital.
And, if I can paraphrase the oft repeated words... get you hair cut!!!
Contact the administrator for ideas and input here. Meanwhile, take a look at what we have;
Final Order Of Merit

2(A) Wing RAF Halton, 1972. If you would like the detailed, full colour pdf version, I am afraid you will have to request a copy from our web site adminstrator, And get out your colouring crayons.
36 hour pass, welcome letter, Halton Pay and Halton Cinema. My, how the memories flood back.
Recently added to our facbook page are these photos;
Firstly, Kestral Flight;

And Nimrod Flight;

Top step, from left; our driver; Sam Chadwick, Thorp, Jock McIlwraith, Tony Osbourne, Al Chisholm (piper), Alan Wise, Mick Prescott
First step, from left; Ian Darrington
Front row; Jock McCusker (piper), Bob Steel, his bride, Paul Harding, Peter Edwards, Ian Bonner
Not present; Bob Graves, Jim McGee