poppy field


The Armistices Day service in the beautiful Church in the centre of Arboleas was a moving and wonderful tribute of Remembrance to those fallen in war. Our church joined with both Zurgena and Albox RBL for a really amazing service. The church was full to capacity, with many standing in the aisles and more chairs having to be brought in, between 300 and 400, many wearing their medals and thinking of their own painful experiences of combat and friends lost. It was emotional and poignant for us all. Rev Canon Alan Bennett led the service with Readers Duncan Burr and Margie Gall assisting. Duncan had worked so hard with the RBL to plan this wonderful service and we thank all those who gave so much to make it special beyond words.
Lynne Alexander and Doreen Parker sang "Band of Brothers" and Sharon Regan sang "Pie Jesus" accompanied by Sue Morrison on piano and organ. Darren Elsum played the Last Post and Reveille on the trumpet, a very emotional moment for us all, each with their own thoughts for the 2 minute silence when loved ones and companions were remembered with great reverence.
The Standard Bearers, Ian Stewart for Albox and Pete Reynolds for Zurgena proudly let the Standards speak during the service, being raised and lowered with such solemnity, truly moving.
It is hard to sum up this wonderful service, our Spanish friends said it was "precioso" and maybe that is the word to use!
We ended with this pledge,
"Lord God, Father of all, we pledge ourselves to serve you and this neighbourhood, to bring relief to all who are in need, and comfort to the sad, lonely and distressed;
Keep us ever mindful of the struggles and achievements of former generations, and of this place where we make our home, now, and in the days to come."Amen
Strengthen our hearts and hands and minds, O Lord to work together for peace, to see you in one another, and to seek your kingdom above all things, that your will may be seen to be done and your kingdom come, through Jesus Christ,
The Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Amen.