poppy field


Our branch officers are:

Branch Officers
President Lady C Bowes Lyon
Chairman Mrs Edwina Holden MBE
Vice Chairman Mr Barrie Pheasant
Secretary Mrs Jan Burt BEM
Treasurer Mrs Carol Redgment
BCS Rep vacant
Standard Bearer Mr Tim Hobman
Poppy Appeal Coordinator Mr Barrie Pheasant


We have decided to alternate between a formal Branch meeting and a social meeting for members.

The formal meetings are held in January, March, May, July, September, and November on the first Monday of each of these months at 19:30hrs except for bank holidays when it will be the second Monday of the month.

Venue: Lime Tree House, 48 High Street, Whitwell, Herts SG4 8AG

The social meetings are held February, April, June, August, October and December on the first Monday of each of these months at 19:30 hrs except for bank holidays when it will be the second Monday of the month.  Our AGM is held in November.

Venue: The Bull PH, High Street, Whitwell from 19:30hrs.

For further information, please contact the Secretary, Jan Burt MBE