poppy field


The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance. Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.




This year the Remembrance Service was held on 11 November at La Inmaculada Conception Church in Torrevieja. The Service commenced at with the sounding of the Last Post at 11.00 hrs.  

The Standards were led by the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums and the RBL Concert Band Spain provided the music inside the Church. 

The Service was followed by a Wreath Laying Ceremony in the main square outside La Inmaculada Conception Church. Wreaths were laid by the Mayor of Torrevieja, In addition and in keeping with tradition, wreaths were also laid and crosses planted in the Remembrance Garden at La Siesta Church, in memory of those fallen during the two World Wars and the many armed conflicts thereafter. 

Once again, this proved to be a very popular event with many visitors and branch members in attendance.



Wreaths, sprays, chaplets and crosses are made at The Royal British Legion's Poppy Factory and can be ordered direct from The Poppy Appeal at Aylesford by following this link:


or by emailing the Torrevieja Branch Poppy Appeal Organiser at: (PAO) before 1 June.



The Garden of Remembrance at La Siesta Church was renovated and rededicated in 2012 thanks to the generosity of RAFA, RNA and an anonymous donor. The Garden of Remembrance is used throughout the year by the RBL and other Ex-Service and affiliated associations in memory of those service personnel who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the many armed conflicts around the world.


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 The Garden of Remembrance following the 2015 Remembrance Day Parade and Church Service.





Blessed by warm November sunshine, the Chaplaincy’s La Siesta Church Centre hosted the traditional annual Torrevieja Branch of The Royal British Legion’s Service of Remembrance on Saturday 11 November 2017 in the Church, its grounds and Memorial Garden of Remembrance.

Members of Torrevieja Town Council and staff were greeted prior to the service by the Branch Chairman Gerry Lynch and other members of the Branch Committee.  As in previous years all of the local Ex-Service Associations, together with other Associations and Lodges, were in attendance and very well represented.

Well attended by Torrevieja Branch Members, former service personal and their families and many onlookers the Church was again full to capacity with most if not all of the outside seating full too!


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This photograph shows that most if not all of the outside chairs were occupied.

Once again the Branch was honoured by the presence of the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums who led the parade of National and Legion Standards and the Standards of the Ex-Service Associations to the Church entrance.


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The Torrevieja Pipes & Drums leading the National Flags, RBL Standards and the Ex-Service Association Standards to the church entrance.


The Service was led and conducted by Father Richard Seabrook of the Anglican Chaplaincy.  After the Welcoming and Introduction and during the initial hymn the Standards were paraded into the Church.  The Chairman Gerry Lynch read the ‘EXHORTATION’ to which all on its conclusion responded with soundly and roundly:

 ‘We WILL Remember Them’

Following the Exhortation Ian Gibson (‘Just Brass’) sounded the ‘The Last Post’, and after ‘The Silence’, sounded ‘Reveille’. The first reading was read by the Branch President Gill Burden,  This was followed by a representative of Torrevieja Council who read  the second reading.
At the end of the service the National Anthems of Spain and the United Kingdom were played by the Church Organist, who also provided the music for the hymns and throughout the Service.

After the National Anthems, the Standards were returned to their Bearers with the ‘KOHIMA EPITAPH’ being recited by Gerry Lynch.

On completion of the Service, after the final Blessing by Father Seabrook, all proceeded from the Church to the Memorial Garden of Remembrance preceded by the National Flags and RBL and Ex-Service Association Standards.

At the Garden of Remembrance Pipers played laments whilst wreaths were laid by a representative from Torrevieja Council, The Royal British Legion, Ex-Services and other Associations.  Many individuals also paid their personal respects and tributes by laying their own Wreaths, Poppy Garlands and Poppy Crosses.


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Branch President Gill Burden laying a wreath on behalf of TRBL.


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 The Chairman of RAFA having laid his wreath pays his respects to former fallen RAF personnel.


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 Joyce Bosisto laying a personal wreath in remembrance of her husband.


On conclusion of the laying of the Wreaths and tributes Father Seabrook gave a closing address and blessed the Memorial Garden of Remembrance.


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Father Seabrook giving the closing address and blessing.

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The Garden of Remembrance following the 2017Remembrance Day Parade and Church Service.


Many who attended the service expressed the importance, reverence and solemnity of the occasion which had been a poignant and memorable Service of Remembrance and thanksgiving!



The poem shown below was written by two 6th year students from Phoenix International School, San Miguel de Salinas, Alicante, Spain for Remembrance Day 2016. The school commemorates Remembrance Day on the 11 November and are very interested in The Royal British Legion and its history.

The two pupils who wrote the poem are to be congratulated for their poem which is extremely well written and very apt for the Festival of Remembrance: 

R emember the people who died

E xhaustingly trying to survive;

M ake sure you watch out for mines!

E ven children had painful times

M entally dying inside -

B et you they wanted to hide.

R emember the people who are dead.

A bullet straight to the head.

N ever giving up,

C ourage is always enough.

E very 11th of November, please wear your poppy.

 Composed and written by Jenny and Yasmin, Year 6

Phoenix International School, San Miguel de Salinas, Alicante, Spain



Readers are reminded that in accordance wih tradition Torrevieja Branch will hold the 2018 Remembrance Day Parade and Service on Saturday 10th November commencing at 10.45 to ensure that the Last Post is sounded at 11.00 hrs. Readers are also reminded that the service is a very popular event and therefore anyone wishing to attend should arrive early to ensure a seat.