poppy field


Minutes of the Toddington Branch of The Royal British Legion

Committee Meeting 7.30.p.m. on

Tuesday 19th September 2023

 2. Present

 Kelly Grumoli, Pippa Brazier, Debbie Gibbons, Nigel Washington, Graeme Kelly, John Wood, Shaun Prior, Bill Levinson, Melanie Parker, Linda Washington, Glen Gadsden, Lee Stone


2. Apologies

Shaun Prior


3. Silent Tribute.


4. Exhortation

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

we will remember them.


5. Previous Meeting – Committee Meeting 18th July 2023

The minutes were read and agreed to be a true report of the last full committee meeting.

Proposed – Bill Levinson

Seconded – Graeme Kelly


6. Chairman’s Report.

 Memorial Bench.

The Memorial Bench for our late president, John Bryant has now been installed on the Village Green, next to the Village Sign. Many of us have taken the opportunity of sitting on the bench, remembering John and all he did for Toddington RBL. We will be looking to have the new bench and the new union flag dedicated by Rector Linda Washington.

New Remembrance Service Booklets.

Things are moving along with the new service booklets; Graeme has put together two “mock-up” Booklets for us all to look at, I propose another meeting as soon as possible of the members of the committee that have been dealing with this, as we do need to get these off to the printers.

Coffee Morning.

Our annual Coffee Morning is fast approaching on Saturday 28th October.

We are again looking for volunteers for the day, and people who will donate some cakes etc.

We decided that the coffee morning should run from 09.30-11.30 as it was busier earlier, and the committee will arrive at 08.30 to set up.

Remembrance 2023

Remembrance tide is fast approaching this will begin for us on the 28th October with the beginning of the Coffee Morning and start of the M1 services collections, Armistice day this year falls on Saturday 11th November, there will again be a short service on the green near the War Memorial starting just before 11am. Followed by our Full Remembrance Service and Parade on Sunday the 12th November.

Gazebo Hire

We hired out one of our new gazebos to the Toddington U3A, Through Graeme Kelly’s Mum.

Christmas Lights

Toddington Christmas lights will be switched on this year on 25th November 4pm to 7pm                           there will be Music, Food and Childrens Rides.


7. Reports

  • Branch Community Support

Lee has been supporting and having weekly catch ups with one of our members that resides in the village, to ensure that all is well after a short stay in hospital.

  • Treasurer – Debbie Gibbons


BFI as at 30-Jun-23


Current Account


Petty Cash


BFI Sept - Jun 24






BFI as at 30-Jun-23




DE Gibbons






Unpresented Cheques








Balance 19/09/2023 



  • Poppy Appeal Report – Melanie Parker

2022 Poppy Appeal

The 2022 Poppy Appeal will close at the end of September, recent changes to the appeal total are as follows:

  • Collecting pot from Johnson Court – £8.20
  • Childs Bakers pot - £40.38

 This gives us final totals as:

  • Local Amount - £21,398.73
  • Luton Schools – £18,911.89
  • Overall Final Total – £40,310.62

2023 Poppy Appeal

Arrangements are now underway for this upcoming Poppy Appeal period; letters have gone out for house-to-house collectors and organisations asking for wreath requirements. Six handheld card machines have arrived, so possibly these could go out on the large rounds with the house-to-house collectors.

The M1 have agreed to the collections over the weekends the same arrangements as before, hopefully the Cadets will join us and help. Road closures have been applied for and the Police contacted for attendance on the day.


With the local and the Luton schools we require 97 school boxes, however due to warehouse under ordering we only have 79 boxes, this has apparently affected everyone nationwide. Help will be needed to pack and deliver the school boxes.

Banking – last year we had two trips to the bank which are not easy to do given the traffic and parking, this year Lomas security is an option we can look at to pick up from us, Mike Lewis is looking to arrange this.

County - Michael Lewis has lost the PAO for Bedford and is trying to find someone to take up the role. He is also looking for volunteers for Houghton Regis and Morrissons as high-income areas it is quite a potential loss.

For the totals:

Bedfordshire 2021/2022 £333,199.40

Bedfordshire 2022/2023 £341,529.37


National: 2020/2021 £37,854,284.51

National 2022/2023 £37,872,697.66

  • Membership Secretaries Report – Bil Levinson

 From the membership list on the 18th September 2023, we have 60 members.  Kelly is now listed on the membership spreadsheet.

The website is up to date as far as I can tell.  I have also loaded the July 2023 newsletter and updated future events.

  • Standard Bearer – Pippa Brazier

Our Standard Bearer, Pippa Brazier, continues to go to various Funerals, events, and parades that she is requested to attend, the most recent of these since the last meeting are set out below.

30th July 2023             Korean 70th Anniversary

12th August 2023         George Cross Islands Assoc @ Tower Hill

25th August 2023         Funeral of Mr George Bell @ The Vale, Luton

03rd September 2023   Merchant Navy Parade @ Tower Hill

06th September 2023   Funeral of Mr George Lowe @ The Vale, Luton

17th September 2023   Battle of Chingford Parade @ Chingford


8. Correspondence

All items of correspondence are now sent out via email to the committee members prior to the meeting taking place, so that they can be read beforehand and discussed as necessary during the meeting. If any member would like a copy of any correspondence item, please contact John Wood or Kelly Grumoli (details at the top of these minutes) and we will get copies to you.


9. Future Events – Memorable Dates

Toddington RBL Coffee Morning,

09:30 – 11:30am Saturday, 28th October 2023 at the Methodist Church Hall.

Armistice Day 11th November 2023

Armistice Day Service 10:45am Toddington Village Green.

Remembrance Service and Parade 12th November 2023

From 10:30am Toddington Village Green.

Branch AGM 25th November 2023

In the Main Hall of the Social and Services Club at 12pm


10. Any Other Business.

Gazebo Hire.

Kelly to look over and finalise the loan agreement.


11. Next Meeting

 The next meeting will be at 19:30 on Tuesday 17th October 2023 and will be in the top bar of the Social & Services Club, High Street Toddington.

If any member would like to attend a committee meeting, please contact John Wood or Kelly Grumoli and we can send you the details.

The meeting was closed at 8:59 pm