Minutes of the Toddington Branch of The Royal British Legion
Committee Meeting 7:30 pm
Tuesday 18th June 2024
1. Present
Debbie Gibbons, Pippa Brazier, Graeme Kelly, Melanie Parker, John Wood,
Bill Levinson, Lee Stone, Glen Gadsden.
2. Apologies
Kelly Grumoli, Linda Washington, Nigel Washington,
3. Silent Tribute.
4. Exhortation
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them.
5. Previous Meeting – Committee Meeting 21st May 2024
The minutes were read and agreed to be a true report of the last full committee meeting.
Proposed – Graeme Kelly
Seconded – Lee Stone
6. Chairmans Report
Raymond Aldous MBE.
Some of the committee members attended the funeral of our Member Ray Aldous MBE at Luton Vale on 22nd May, Ray was given a good send off with the chapel packed with mourners, the RBL was well represented with three standard bearers in attendance, including our own Pippa Brazier.
D-Day Events, 6th & 8th June 2024
Both of our commemorative D-Day events went off very well, we had a very good attendance on the evening of the 6th June, with a full church and a good many people attending the village green to see the first beacon lighting, Our President Nigel Washington read the International Tribute followed by the National Proclamation read by our Membership Secretary Bil Levinson, Our honoured Guest Air Commodore Gordon Moulds CBE then laid a D-Day wreath on behalf of Toddington RBL.
We then did this all again on Saturday 8th June, with the addition of Ukie toons ukulele band playing for us, a BBQ from the scouts and our own RBL merchandise stall and raffle for the Poppy Appeal. We also had a pin board organised by Graeme Kelly which was very popular showing D-Day images and personal photos and memories of Toddington residents and relatives that were serving during or involved in D-Day, We would like to thank everyone who attended and supported us.
Toddington Village Fete. 11am to 1pm - Saturday 22nd June 2024
Toddington RBL will be attending the village fete this Saturday with our Merchandise stall, and a prize raffle, which will include a lovely hand knitted Coronation blanket, made by the Toddington Knitting Group.

7. Reports
7.1 Treasurer – Debbie Gibbons
Branch Funding Initiative - 2023
+ £57.79
Current A/C June 2024
Petty Cash (Raffle Monies)
Branch Funding Initiative – June 2024
Cheque out – (Unpresented)
Balance as of 30/06/2024
Donation (Funeral Collection)
7.2 Poppy Appeal Update – Melanie Parker
Recent change to the poppy appeal was for the funds raised at the D-Day commemorations on the green, the income received (including D-Day pins etc) was £288.02.
This makes the figures for this year at:
- Local figure - £14,275.62
- Luton schools - £19,449.21
- Overall total - £32,142.64
A Poppy Appeal Organiser has now been found for Luton, Andrew Vass, wants to concentrate on the supermarkets, the shopping centre and airport, so with acceptance from the committee Toddington branch will continue with the Luton Schools.
There is now a pub quiz available to download on the main portal.
As an aside I have now stepped down as County Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator, the role involved too much commitment that I could not give, I will still be supporting Michael Lewis in his role.
7.3 Membership Secretaries Report – Bil Levinson
Membership Secretaries Report
From the membership list on 15th June 2024, we have 61 members.
I also intend to provide an A5 membership instructions for joining the RBL. This will be available for the Fete.
Web Site Report
The web site is up to date as far as I can tell, including May Minutes.
Bil Levinson
- Standard Bearer – Pippa Brazier
Our Standard Bearer, Pippa Brazier, continues to go to various Funerals, events, and parades that she is requested to attend, the most recent of these since the last meeting are set out below.
- 22nd Funeral of Ray Aldous MBE at Luton Vale Cemetery.
- 29th Funeral of Mr Frank Farmer at Bedford Crematorium.
- 30th Launch of D-Day Commemoration’s at Bedford Embankment.
- 6th Morning Assembly at St Georges Lower School, Toddington.
- 6th Evening D-Day Church Service at St Georges Church, Toddington.
- 6th D-Day Service and beacon lighting on Toddington Village Green.
- 8th D-Day Commemoration and beacon lighting on Toddington Village Green.
- 9th D-Day Service at Bedford Embankment.
- 13th Lancastrian Parade at Tower Hill Memorial & St Katherine Cree Church.
R.A.F.A Standard
8. Any other Business.
Graeme Kelly is going to start looking into Toddington RBL holding an event in May next year to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of VE day.
Shaun Prior has stepped down from his position on the Toddington RBL Committee, Shaun was our Vice Chairman for many years, we wish him well for the future, Lee Stone has agreed to take on the position of Vice Chairman.
9. Correspondence
All items of correspondence are now sent out via email to the committee members prior to the meeting taking place, so that they can be read beforehand and discussed as necessary during the meeting. If any member would like a copy of any correspondence item, please contact John Wood or Kelly Grumoli (details at the top of these minutes) and we will get copies to you.
- Details of Armed Forces day, Bedford Flag Raising on 24th June 2024
- We Have Ways, Military Festival near Silverstone. 19th to 21st July 2024
10. Future Events – Memorable Dates
- 19th -21st July - We Have Ways Festival, Near Silverstone.
- 26th October – Coffee Morning, Toddington Methodist hall.
- 10th November – Remembrance Sunday
- 11th November – Armistice Day (Monday)
11. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at 19:30 on Tuesday 16th July 2024 and will be in the top bar of the Social & Services Club, High Street Toddington.
If any member would like to attend a committee meeting, please contact John Wood or Kelly Grumoli and we can send you the details.
The meeting was closed at 8:27pm