poppy field


Our branch officers are:

Branch Officers
President Clive Hines
Chairman Gordon Hilton-Jackson
Secretary  Jane Lovett
Treasurer Norman Ingle
Standard Bearer  Barry McGrath 
Poppy Appeal Organiser  Theresa Ouzman


To contact Swavesey & District Branch call 01954 232375 or swaveseyrbl@aol.com.


Swavesey & District Branch is celebrating its 90th anniversary in 2012.  Situated approximately 10 miles north of Cambridge, the Branch can boast a strong, supportive membership of over 100.  Whilst there are no monthly meetings, there is an excellent programme of events right through the year thanks to our Social Committee, which provides opportunities for members to get together, and at the same time raise much-needed funds.  We also have a dedicated Poppy Appeal team.  Members are kept informed of local, regional and national TRBL items of interest through a monthly Branch newsletter.

As this website builds we hope you will share some of our happy memories through the Photo Gallery.  Please also check out Poppy Appeal, Remembrance and News & Events which will all be updated as appropriate. 

If you would like to join our Branch, attend one of our social events, or receive our monthly newsletter by email, please use the contact details above to get in touch.