The Poppy Appeal in Stowmarket & District
Where to get yours!
The Stowmarket Poppy Appeal 2020 is off to a good start with collections in the town centre last Saturday led by the Town Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

From today until 11th November our volunteers will be in TESCO collecting in accordance with our covid-19 safe procedures. Bob Bailey, from RAFA started off collections shortly after 10am today. While stocks last you can get your 2020 year-pin there. In the current circumstances our aim is to ensure that everyone can source a traditional paper poppy to wear during the remembrance period.

From 1st November – 11th November our volunteers will be in ASDA.
Some weekday mornings a volunteer collector will be at Stowmarket Railway Station.
An A4 sized poppy poster can be downloaded for placing in windows at home and in places of business. For this, and for other ways to donate, please search “Royal British Legion” on-line.
Despite the current challenges we still have a job to do, the impact of Covid-19 having left some in the Armed Forces community, as in many others, in dire need of help and support. We remember that earlier in the year the Armed Forces were there when we needed them, working alongside and supporting essential workers on the front-line in the fight against Covid-19. 75 years ago, some of our oldest veterans were fighting a different battle during the second world war, leading to Victory in Europe in May 1945 and Victory in Japan in August 1945. This year also marks the 70th anniversary since the conflict in Korea. Across the generations since, the Armed Forces have been there for us.
Thank you in anticipation of your help and support
Rachel Oakley
PAO Stowmarket – EJD59
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal – Charity Number 219279
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