poppy field


Remembrance Parade,  Sunday 10 November 2024

The weather held this year, and the turnout was tremendous. As usual the Town Silver Band played with great skill and led the parade through the town.  Thirty five wreaths were laid at the Park Walk Memorial, another fourteen at Motcombe, and some at the other memorials in the town.  As well as for all the adult and youth organisations in the town, wreaths were laid for the Falklands Association, the Polish Armed Forces and HMS Sheffield.  The railings surrounding the Town Memorial were resplendent, having been recently repainted. 

Remembrance Parade,  Sunday 9 November 2025

The programme is as usual as follows (all times a.m.):-

1030                    Form up in King’s Arms car park                                           

1048                    Parade marches off to the War Memorial

1053-1105           Ceremony at Park Walk Memorial

1100                    Two minutes silence

1105                    Parade re-forms in Abbey Walk

1108                    Parade marches to St Peter’s Church

1120                    Remembrance Service at St Peter’s Church

Those going directly to the church are asked to be seated by 1110.  All members are welcome to march in the parade. We thank the Dorset Marshals without whose help the parade could not be held.   We are also grateful to the Town Band, which turns out every year, whatever the weather, to support us in the supreme act of remembrance; the Parade Marshal - Major Owen Wells of the Army Cadet Force; and to the Town Council staff who make the official arrangements for the civic parade.  We will arrange to erect the knitted poppy cascade from last year to adorn St Peter’s Church.  There will be a separate brief ceremony outside the Town Hall at 11 a.m. on Tuesday 11 November 2025 to commemorate the exact time the cessation of hostilities in the First World War occurred in 1918.  Branch members and the public are all welcome, and are invited to be there by 10.50 a.m.