A selection of photos from events held by Shaftesbury and District Branch are available below. Updated 11 February 2019
Hall Inauguration Ceremony 1 May 1994

Before refurbishment - the Hall in June 2014

After refurbishment - the Hall in September 2014. Within time schedule and within budget

Gold Hill Fair 2014

The late Wilf Readman receives his Gold Badge from the County (and Branch) President

The Annual Festival of Remembrance at the Albert Hall

Hearty Eaters at the Poppy Collector Thank You Lunch in November 2013

Shaftesbury Ceremony of Remembrance 2012

ANZAC 100th Anniversary Ceremony 2015

Geinor baked a cake for the VE Day Party in 2015

The late Peter Brown reminisces at the unveiling of our new portrait of The Queen

Four of our senior members unveil the new portrait of The Queen on VE Day 2015

Hello Sailor! Pam Curry dresses for the part at the VE Day Party in 2015
"Bring Your Own Food" they said! VE Day Party 2015

Company Sergeant Major Owen Wells, who commands Shaftesbury Detachment Army Cadet Force, displays the affiliation certificate with the Branch Chairman on 19 October 2015