poppy field


Our branch officers for 2023-2024 are:

Branch Officers
President Commodore R A Y Bridges
Vice President Brigadier A Hughes CBE
Chairman Robin Miller
Vice Chairman  Vacant
Hon Secretary  Reverend Chris Wray
Hon Treasurer

Don Curry

Membership Secretary Vacant
Asst Membership Vacant
Standard Bearer  Patrick Sharpe
Hall Booking Officer David Taylor
PR/Press Officer Vacant
Poppy Appeal Organiser (PAO) Robin Miller
Asst PAO Vacant, but team formed
Branch Chaplain Reverend Chris Wray
Deputy Branch Chaplain Vacant
Webmaster Vacant


Chairman: Robin Miller (01747) 854765

Poppy Appeal Organiser: Robin Miller (01747) 854765

For Hall Bookings with competitive rates and complete facilities please contact David Taylor on 07720 443319 or email djtdjt1@djtdjt1.plus.com.

Anyone with a welfare or general query should ring the Legion national helpline on 0808 802 8080 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. seven days a week. You would be advised to ring later in the day as the lines are very busy in the morning.