poppy field


wilkinson Peace Sword
The Wilkinson Peace Sword was presented to the Ruddington & District Branch of
the Royal British Legion at a meeting on the 6th of July 1995, by William Blackford a long standing member of the Ruddington & District Branch and a Captain in the Royal Signals in the 2nd World War.
In the branch minutes it is recorded that Mr Blackford having described the Sword and its meaning said that during his membership of the branch he had always enjoyed a good relationship with branch members especially in later years when his illness had made him more reliable on other people so had had decided to make this presentation to show his appreciation.
At the time of the presentation Mr Blackford was the Licensee of the Red Lion in Ruddington which was the branch headquarters and it was decided to mount the sword in the club room which was the room in which the branch members met.
Mr Blackford died in November 1995 and the Red Lion had a new licensee although the branch remained at the public house it was decided to move the Sword to the Nottinghamshire County Headquarters of the Royal British Legion at Malvern road in Nottingham. There it was mounted in the office of the County Chairman Mr John Raynor MBE who was also the Ruddington & District Branch Chairman. The sword remained there until the premises were sold and the County Office was relocated to the Territorial Army Depot at Bulwell were it was again mounted in the Chairman's Office There it remained until the County Office was again moved to Portland college at Mansfield
This time there was no room to mount it. so it came back to the branch where it was stored by a member until Councillor Mr Reg Adair of the Nottinghamshire County Council agreed to its presentation to the Nottinghamshire County Council on permanent loan This was achieved and the sword is now displayed in a cabinet on public view for all to see, in the County Hall Headquarters.