poppy field


Ruddington War Memorial

War Memorial 

The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.


Remembrance Sunday on the 9 November 2014 marked the 100th Anniversary year since the outbreak of WW1. The sun cast a shadow on the memorial garden in front of the War memorial when several hundred Villagers gathered to remember those who gave their lives since WW1.

After her visit to see the Tower of London Poppies class teacher Hannah Hollingworth inspired the children from James Peacock School to make and paint 61 clay poppies to remember the 61 casualties from WW1 named on the memorial. These are now placed in the memorial garden in the shape of 100 to commemorate this year.

The parade was headed by the Union Flag carried by a member of the Guide Association and followed by the Royal British Legion Standard, Boys Brigade and all the Scout and Guide Troops from the village. Assembled round the War Memorial Reverend Andrew Buchanan then conducted the Act of Remembrance. The Last Post was sounded by Peter Webster followed by the 2 minute silence and Reveille. The Standards  and Villagers then processed into St Peters Church to continue the service of Remembrance.

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This years sermon was given by our Baptist Minister Reverend Sam Hackett who  gave us an insight into his Grandfathers experiences in WW2. Also a reminder of the need to be prepared to take responsibilities put before us. Our  prays were then lead by Methodist Minister Simon Rose and his team. During the service a collection in aid of the Poppy Appeal raised £681.81

On Armistice Day more people assembled at the War Memorial to show their respect. Today we were privileged to have the Ruddington Army Cadet RHR Corps of Bugles and Drums to play the Last Post before observing the 2 minutes silence.

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Also in attendance were 6 children and 2 staff from James Peacock School who had helped to create the impressive clay poppy display. The children had been learning about WW1 and why we should all remember the sacrifices made by so many for us all. They had enjoyed finding out about the significance of the poppy and why it is the symbol of Remembrance. Mean while back in school  during their Act of Remembrance red balloons were released to represent the 61 WW1 casualties. 

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