poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Ruddington & District


Ruddington and District Branch of the Royal British Legion are pleased to announce that the amount raised during November 2014 is £10,771.92.

The Poppy Appeal Year now continues until September 2015. During this time a variety of events will raise more funds. The Branch wish to extend a very big thank you to the Ruddington Co-op Supermarket for the use of their premises,2425 (Nottingham Airport) Sqn. Cadets, all the local businesses, door to door, supermarket and street collectors, without you all giving up your time this could not have been achieved.

So well done everybody, and a big Thank You to all the people of Ruddington & District who have been so generous again. 


We're constantly looking for volunteers who can help collect in Ruddington and District.

If you can give an hour or two hours per week during October and November please contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator Mr H Newton on 0115 9841 059.