poppy field


The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives - or been injured, or served - in the service of our country - for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.

View our News & Events calendar for details of local Remembrance events - and please contact me if you would like to join our entertainments committee!

If you were to search the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website for military graves in the Rickmansworth area, there are 44 in the Chorleywood Road Cemetery. For ease of reference - or maybe just to get you started - here they are (with hyperlinks to their details on www.cwg.org) - and here's a 'Where are you' plan;


1 BROWN, WILLIAM HENRY, W H Sapper 5987674 Royal Engineers01/05/1947 45 Sec. A. Row 5. Grave 27.

2 BYFORD , D A Petty Officer Motor Mechanic F3373 Royal Naval Air Service14/09/1917 33 DD. 4. 29.

3 CALTHROP, Sir GUY SPENCER, G S Lieutenant Colonel  Royal Engineers 23/02/1919 48 FF. 2. 2.

4 CARTER, RICHARD JEFFERY, R J Pilot Officer 78881 Royal Air Force16/07/1940 38 Sec. F.F. Row 3. Grave 20.

5 CLAYTON, KEITH STUART, K S Gunner 1436424 Royal Artillery30/08/1941 29 Sec. A.A. Row 4. Grave 26.

6 CLEGG, HENRY CHARLES, H C Gunner 11419046 Royal Artillery22/05/1942 40 Sec. D. Row 6. Grave 5.

7 COLES, OLIVE RUTH, O R Leading Aircraftwoman 2030586 Women's Auxiliary Air Force17/03/1946 27 Sec. B. Row 4. Grave 9.

8 COMPTON , H Lance Corporal 203437 Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)20/04/1918 Unknown EE. 4. 12.

9 CROUCH, ROBERT GEOFFREY, R G Flying Officer (Bomb Aimer ) 130507 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve02/05/1943 23 Sec. R. Row 3. Grave 4.

10 FOSTER, REGINALD GEORGE WILLIAM, R G W Trooper 7908174 Royal Tank Regiment, R.A.C.24/02/1944 Unknown Sec. R. Row 6. Grave 18.

11 GODWIN, ERNEST EDWARD, E E Sapper 14596325 Royal Engineers 20/01/1944 35 Sec. C. Row 5. Grave 19.

12 GREEN, PETER WILLIAM, P W Stoker Mechanic D/KX725253 Royal Navy 29/11/1947 20 Sec. B.B. Row 3. Grave 6.

13 GREENFIELD, RICHARD MENTEITH, R M Brigadier General  General Staff 25/04/1916 Unknown B. 4. 6.

14 HARVEY, WILLIAM RICHARD, W R Private SS/5330 Army Service Corps 05/01/1915 Unknown HH. 4. 30.

15 HEARNE, CHARLES, C Private 291124 Norfolk Regiment 04/11/1918 35 LL. 4. 12.

16 HOOD, JOHN ALFRED, J A Corporal 6005126 Pioneer Corps 28/04/1944 37 Sec. L.L. Row 3. Grave 1.

17 HOOK, IVOR GEORGE, I G Aircraftman 2nd Class 1039153 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 25/10/1942 32 Sec. K.K. Row 4. Grave 8.

18 IVESON, LAWRENCE, L Private 6028963 Essex Regiment 18/12/1945 31 Sec. K.K. Row 1. Grave 19.

19 JOHNSON, EDWARD IAN CROUCHER, E I C Pilot Officer (Pilot ) 41931 Royal Air Force 24/01/1941 Unknown Sec. B.B. Row 3. Grave 3.

20 JONAS, ADRIAN CONWAY, A C Flight Lieutenant ( Pilot ) 125528 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 28/08/1944 26 Sec. D.D. Row 2. Grave 20.

21 LING, WILLIAM FREDERICK EDWARD, W F E Flight Cadet 54051 Royal Air Force 14/06/1918 19 GG. 2. 10.

22 MASON, HERBERT BERTRAM, H B Gunner 76560 Royal Garrison Artillery 14/05/1917 25 D. 6. 27.

23 MEADOWS, WALTER JOHN, W J Private 3984 Hertfordshire Regiment 01/04/1915 Unknown HH. 5. 22.

24 MOSS, LEONARD WILLIAM, L W Lance Sergeant 989734 Royal Artillery 08/03/1943 30 Sec. H.H. Row 5. Grave 19.

25 OWENS, DAVID, D Lance Corporal 6847275 King's Royal Rifle Corps 13/12/1943 Unknown Sec. T. Row 5. Grave 4.

26 PEEK, LIONEL ASLIN, L A Private TR/10/170905 Middlesex Regiment 24/10/1918 18 FF. 5. 29.

27 PERKINS, RONALD WALTER, R W Fusilier 5955830 Royal Scots Fusiliers 28/08/1944 24 Sec. A.A. Row 3. Grave 6.

28 PITKIN, LEONARD, L Gunner 88560 Royal Garrison Artillery 03/09/1916 33 F. 5. 15.

29 RUSSELL, ALBERT, A Private PO/17637 Royal Marine Light Infantry 18/02/1916 20 GG. 3. 8. 1

30 SHIRLEY, EDWARD CHARLES, E C Major 111277 Pioneer Corps 26/05/1942 Unknown Sec. L.L. Row 2. Grave 23.

31 SIRETT, JOHN BELGRAVE, J B Air Mechanic 1st Class 22106 Royal Air Force02/11/1918 30 C. 5. 6.

32 THACKHAM, WILLIAM LESLIE, W L Gunner 1759530 Royal Artillery 09/04/1941 Unknown Sec. T. Row 5. Grave 16.

33 THORNHILL, GEOFFREY HOLLAND, G H Lieutenant  Royal Warwickshire Regiment 10/05/1917 28 FF. 3. 28.

34 TIBBLES, WILLIAM JAMES, W J Driver 227589 Royal Army Service Corps 21/06/1942 35 Sec. F.F. Row 4. Grave 1.

35 TRACY, HAROLD MERVYN, H M Flight Sergeant 844976 Royal Air Force (Auxiliary Air Force) 20/05/1941 31 Sec. N. Row 7. Grave 17.

36 TURNEY, THOMAS RICHARD, T R Lance Corporal 7/2676 Royal Munster Fusiliers 01/09/1915 19 F. 5. 5.

38 VOLK, JAMES, J Private 763 Australian Brigade 27/01/1916 25 D. 5. 18.

39 WARNER, JOSEPHINE M., J M Private W/74185 Auxiliary Territorial Service 15/10/1944 20 Sec. M.M. Row 5. Grave 8.

40 WEBB, CHARLES, C Private G/29550 Middlesex Regiment 11/05/1918 31 EE. 4. II.

41 WEST, SIDNEY WILLIAM, S W Marine PO/X 106247 Royal Marines 23/08/1943 Unknown Sec. L.L. Row 1. Grave 20.

42 WILLIAMS, HENRY RONALD, H R Flight Sergeant (Nav.) 1613184 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 24/04/1945 22 Sec. A.A. Row 4. Joint grave

43 WILLIAMS, JOSEPH LEONARD, J L Warrant Officer (Pilot ) 1388308 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 19/01/1945 26 Sec. A.A. Row 4. Joint grave

44 WINFIELD, JOSEPH THOMAS, J T Private 39213 Northamptonshire Regiment 26/02/1919 21 E. 5. 5A.