poppy field


History of the Rickmansworth & West Hyde Branch

An extract from the inside cover of the service order, to commemorate;

The Diamond Jubilee of The Royal British Legion
The Diamond Jubilee of The Rickmansworth Branch
The 55th Anniversary of the Women's Section
The Laying Up of the Old Standard and Dedication of the New Standard, Women's Section

from 26th April 1981 at St Mary's Church, Rickmansworth.

The Legion in Rickmansworth

The Branch was formed in 1921 under the Chairmanship of the late Major Charles Gordon Ross. He was Chairman until 1927 when he became Branch President, an office he fulfilled with vigour and drive until he died in 1964. All this time he was ably assisted by some fine Legionnaires - to name a few: Mr Fred Elliott (for many years the Branch Standard Bearer); Mr W Law; Mr C G Ransome-Williams and Mr Arthur Hughes, a man who helped to build the first Legion premises in Rickmansworth, and a man who was in his element when helping others.

The Women's Section

The Women's Section was formed in 1926. Who was in office in those distant years, their names and the office they held has since receded into the dim past. But one name stands out over the decades, that of Mrs Mead Snr, who for an unknown number of years was Standard Bearer for the Women's Section, and a great worker on behalf of all aspects of the Legion. Since 1960 (or possibly 1961) until she retired from office in 1977, the Section was Chaired by Mrs Kitty Smith and led by her drive, initiative and devotion to the Legion, the Women's Section rose to the pinnacle of success. With Mrs Jennings as Honourary Secretary, the Branch won the County Proficiency Trophy in 1970, 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979.

Due to lack of committee members, the Women's Section was disbanded in 2012.

The Legion in West Hyde 

The Branch was formed in 1927, and the Branch meetings were held at the Cross Inn, Maple Cross. Not having a permanent building to meet in proved too much in the end and the Branch merged with the Rickmansworth Branch on 1st October 1978.