poppy field


80th Anniversary D Day


Hi everyone,

I would like to thank all our members and friends plus the people from this area for the work they put in and for attending our D-Day event today. Almost everything went to plan but it went better than we expected, we really didn’t expect so many people especially Children who turned up, which was really nice. The numbers were unexpected, we only had printed 70 programs, so must apologise for that. The fishermen were out on the waters edge and did us proud and they gave their time for free, really a brilliant effort from them all. The crowds, the vicars, the veterans, the choir, so many people joining us, plus of course Dennis our D-Day veteran who didn’t want too much media attention but it was great to see him today. He should be an inspiration to us all.
We should all be proud that we did our best today and proved that we as a small branch can produce an event like we did today by working together. I thank everyone who turned up today for their continued support. What a lovely area we live in.
Thank you all… Eric Howden BEM
Chairman Redcar Branch, Royal British Legion



