poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Randalstown

History of the PoppyAppeal                                                 

  Randalstown and District

Records are not available to give any indication of when the Poppy Appeal first took place in Randalstown and District but anecdotal evidence suggests that a collection was carried out prior to World  War 2.


After the end of the War, Miss Heather Webb became  the official District Organiser.  She set up house to house collections with a team of volunteers, the local schools were visited and boxes were placed in shops and the Old Bleach factory.

Miss Webb became ill in the early eighties and had to give up  her responsibilities at that time.


After her death the  following year, Jennifer Stewart took over as District  Organiser and continues to hold that position, with help in recent years from her  husband John.


Randalstown Branch has shown its fundraising skills by once again improving on its Poppy Appeal total.


We've topped £9,269.40 passing last year's final total of £9,155.12.


Thank You to all the people of Randalstown and District who have been so generous again. 


Volenteers needed


Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator on

