poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Poynton

 Poynton Poppy Collection

Poynton Branch of the Royal British Legion is delighted to announce that the 2017 Poppy Collection raised an incredible total of £10,362.16, an increase of £1940.16 over last year’s total of £8,500.  Astonishingly we received a total of £441 in old style £1 coins, which may also have helped us along the way.

The Poynton Legion Branch wishes to thank everyone who gave so generously to the poppy appeal.

It also recognises the 20% increase over the previous year’s collection would not be possible without the army of collectors, helpers and local businesses all efficiently organised by Branch President and Poppy Organiser Glyn Derbyshire, who many of you will know better as our local stationmaster.

Anyone who wishes to be involved in next year’s collection can contact us by emailing poyntonlegionbranch@talktalk.net

Sincere thanks to everyone involved in the collection.

Patrick Bailey - Branch Chairman.