poppy field


Branch Newsletters

Here is the March Newsletter from our esteemed chairman. Nice and early too.

Potterne Branch of the Royal British Legion
The Royal British Legion Annual County Conference held in Warminster Civic Centre on the 8th of February contained a more rousing buzz this year especially in the afternoon session as our own Branch President John Mann in his role as County Vice-Chair evoked a stirring debate regarding serious lack of communication between RBL headquarters Hague House and membership, with decisions being made without consultation that ordinary members find themselves blamed for by the many critics of such moves. David Whimpenny RBL Board of Trustees took critical questions and serious bruising criticism from the floor. I was particularly impressed by how well some members and Delegates articulated their disgruntlement, although I didn’t join in with the Hague House or Trustee bashing. For me, the instruction contained in the letter from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2nd read out to Conference by County President Gen Sir Jack Deverell was clear as she thanked all Wiltshire Members for duty performed within their communities that is where our strength lay!
Motion to Conference from Hedddington and Stockely Branch; That the Royal British Legion should adopt an ethical buying policy: that disjointed discussion went on for a while as to where the RBL should buy their merchandise. I won’t bore you with the content of the ramblings because of the way I looked at the proposal; firstly you have to develop the Policy before you can adopt it. Buying from democratic Country’s with good Human rights record, ethical, moral, environmental credentials, (single-use plastic and so forth) don’t get me wrong I knew what the Motion was trying to achieve so voted along with the majority to send the proposal to the National Conference.
Now comes the exciting part as Potterne Branch Poppy Appeal Coordinator Raymond Paddock stepped up to receive the Colonel Tempest Cup, only he didn’t receive the Cup as apparently, the Cup has gone absent without leave. I am not going to tell you what the Cup was for- I am going to leave you in suspenders until the County Chairman or County President find the missing item then come to Potterne and make a special presentation; we could make a brilliant evening of it, should be fun!
In all a very good Annual Conference, well done John. Oh! nearly forgot, well done Christine.
Bad weather and illness prevented many members from attending the February Branch meeting in the Social Club making me wonder if we would all fit in if we turned up on mass. Ray spread the praise across all well-deserved members for his Colonel Tempest award and explained away the mystery of the disappearing cup, evoking the plan for when it eventually turns up. George Day popped in armed with the 1955; sorry I mean the 1995 VE fifty-year anniversary celebrations DVD. Precious Potterne moments caught in time for generations to come. The DVD also gave inspiration for the seventy-fifth VE Day Celebrations as doing nothing now seems not an option. George also played the 2010 Dedication of the new RBL Potterne Standard DVD raising the irony that many who gave their apologies for the evening appeared on the screen. Thank you, George, for a very enjoyable evening, especially enjoyed by the “well impressed” guests from Devizes Branch.
Bob Berry has been busy with the Potterne Branch RBL website and face-book page, take a look, you will be impressed. Don’t forget to lovey/ likey or whatever it is you do on Facebook as Bob is working hard on our behalf.
If you want to contact me on any Legion matters please do. John Chandler, Branch Chair.