poppy field



The July & August Newsletter from your Chairman - John Chandler.
"The saying goes, no news is good news, that’s one of the reasons I have kept quiet over the past months as the last thing you need is a repetition of the media diatribe. Another reason is that not only was the British Legion on lockdown they seemed to be on complete shutdown as RBL Branches like Potterne received orders from on high to close all activities and I can tell you although lockdown is beginning to ease those orders have been reaffirmed and are still in place as I write this note.
Oh dear, the urge to have a good ole grumble as I write this is beginning to overwhelm me; happy thoughts John, happy thoughts. We have all had enough to put up with over the last few months without feeding the misery. I must tell you it just goes to show how good and effective the Legion Branch is when we can gather regularly for a drink and chat in common purpose it all adds to that sense of belonging, comradeship, respect and any other ingredient you can think of that results in that sometimes elusive commodity called “happiness”, I miss the Legion Branch, the meetings, the events, perhaps that’s why I have the grumpies!
So as I have no real news for you let’s have a little gossip instead. Potterne Parish Council received a complaint about the unsatisfactory state of Soldiers Walk, long grass, barbed wire etc, I love being grumbled at as it often says more about the grumbler that the grumble itself. Don’t get me wrong the Council did take note as they decided to give the Soldiers Walk footpath a makeover with a couple of dignified signs either end to show off the trees as well as inform locals and visitors alike why the trees were planted there and the historic commemoration they represent, to add to that the Legion Branch members will support the placing of a bench at that beautiful aspect of Potterne dedicated to the loving memory of Charles and June Boyack and Mervyn and Janice Underwood, June Janice and Mervyn were very strong Legion Branch members and ardent supporters of the creation of Soldiers Walk, Chas, of course, was long time Branch Chairman, a hard act to follow! Now I can tell you what that all adds up to as we come out of lockdown, the plan at the moment is to have a picnic party in the park, Blounts Court park that is, to celebrate/commemorate VJ 75 Day on Saturday the 15 of August 2 till 5pm, 75 years since the end of World War2 we can then unveil the new Soldiers walk signs and the lovingly dedicated bench. Don’t get excited it’s only a plan at the moment, social distance and gathering rules still apply, we will all do our best to keep you informed.
Potterne Parish Council Clerk Liz Starling left her post as Clerk this July. Legion Branch secretary Sue Hiscock sent Liz a letter on behalf of Potterne RBL Branch members acknowledging Liz for her dedication to the role as not only did Liz apply for an A360 road closure for Remembrance Sunday to ensure a dignified silence but in some cases actually conducted the Remembrance Sunday service as well. I’m not sure Liz understood how well we appreciated her as Clerk as it is a tough job especially when you have to put up with a grumpy ole farmer, so supergran Teresa bought a modest gift and a thank you card signed by the Branch officers to say, “Thank you Liz”!!
BBC Radio Wiltshire’s Kelly Morgan came out to Potterne A few days ago, Kelly does a thing called “making a difference” thing that make a difference to people’s lives that bring a little happiness, she wanted to know about the Potterne Community Garden however I did take the chance to tell her about the antics of the Potterne RBL Branch, Kelly was intrigued; she is coming back to Potterne to find out more about this quirky village. I must remember to trim my hair and set my makeup before I go on the radio again!
Take care and Stay Safe"
John Chandler, Potterne RBL, Branch Chair.