poppy field


2024 RBL Poppy Appeal Awards + Cheese & Wine Evening

On Friday 12th April 2024 the Penryn RBL, Royal British Legion Poppy AppeaL Awards, and Cheese + Wine Evening, took place at the Town Hall Penryn, at 7.00 pm. This was organised by Penryn Branch Poppy AppeaL Organiser Mrs Gill Grant.
A wonderful evening was enjoyed by many, and Guest of Honour was Annie Binding, Charity Fundraiser at the Royal British Legion.
Officers of Penryn Branch, presented Members and Organisations with certificates, and badges were awarded to long outstanding Members, who have contributed to the Poppy Appeal Collection, held at Asda Penryn. Presentations were given to the very
newest Member, Karen Campbell,
to the longest Serving Member, our Branch President Chaz Wenmoth, for 25 Years collecting for the Poppy Appeal.
Branch Officers presenting, included
Paul Roberts,
Ray Hudson,
Vice Chairman, Tony Hendra, Chairman,
Gill Grant PAO,
with County Annie Binding, Charity Fundraiser at the Royal British Legion.
Afterwards a pleasant evening was had with Cheese and Wine and other savouries produced by Branch Secretary Mary May and Margaret Harrison.