poppy field


2024 Penryn Branch VE - VJ Remembrance Service

Penryn Branch of the RBL, held their VE - VJ Remembrance Service in the Memorial Gardens Penryn, on Sunday 11th August 2024, at 3 00 pm. The Service was conducted by Father Ian Froom, with Redruth Brass Band in attendance. The Parade mustered at the Temperance Hall Penryn at 2.30pm to March down at 2.45 to the Memorial Gardens Penryn. Refreshments took place after the Service. The Service was attended by our local MP Jayne Kirkham, and the Mayor of Falmouth, Cllr Alan Rowe and Penryn Mayor Cllr Mary May. Also Cornwall County RBL, Mark Bardsley , and other Branches . We had Standard Bearers from St Austel, RNA , Redruth , Stithians and our own Standard Bearer Matt Barringer , who we are very proud of , plus many other Guests . The Sea Cadet Core under the care of Francis Mitchell , who are affiliated to Penryn Branch were in attendance . A special mention to Julie Williams , who stepped forward on behalf of her dad Victor Williams , to do the Kohima Dedication . Everyone was made welcome by our Branch Chairman , Tony Hendra . The Branch President Chas Wenmoth remarked , it was one of the most enjoyable VE VJ Day for many a year . The Last Post and Riveille was sounded by a Member of the Redruth Brass Band , and Lament was played by a Piper . Many thanks to Dave David Lessles and Mr Rundle for Marshalling . Refreshments were served after the Service , Pasties , Cakes and Tea/ Coffee and Squash . A big thank you to the ladies in the kitchen , and entertainment by the Piper and the Brass Band . A Raffle took place , a big thank you to Ann Shepherd for your help , and all together we raised £146 to go into Branch Funds .