poppy field


This story would not have been possible if it had not been for the good practice in keeping records by officers of the Womens Section throught our eighty years.
My thanks to Mrs P.Plint for keeping safe the Minute/Account Books and for bringing them to my notice.

Chas Wenmoth,
Branch Chairman.

On Thursday 18 June 1925, at the Town Hall Penryn the following resolution was adopted: That we, the women present at this meeting, hereby formally establish a Branch of the Women's Section of the British Legion to be known as the Penryn Branch. That we undertake to observe strictly the provisions of the Bye Laws of the Women's Section, British Legion.

Proposed by Mrs Wheeldon, Seconded by Mrs Bickenson
The First Officers being, Mrs M.J. Carter Chairman, Miss F.M. Butland Secretary, Miss M. Cavill Treasurer.

Committee: Mrs J. Allen, Mrs S.J. Carter, Mrs A. Leigh, Mrs H.M. Minson, Mrs P. Rogers, Mrs E.A. Root, Mrs A Southeard, Mrs R.K. Sulliivan, Mrs H. Snell, Mrs E Wheeldon and Mrs L. Bickenson.

Form I was duly completed, and signed and forwarded to Headquarters.
There are no records after this date unitll November 1928.


Womens Section Annual Meeting Monday 5 November at 8 p.m at the Church Institute. There was a invitation to all members of the Men's Section and ex-Service Men to attend as "Their presence is requested for a very important reason."

At the Women's Annual Meeting Mrs Ferris, on behalf of the Women's Section presented Mrs T.G. Hammond with a pair of entree dishes. Mrs T.G. Hamond asked her husband to accept for the Men's Section from the Woman's Section a banner of the Legion in blue and gold which will be used for the first occasion on Remembrance Day, when it will be dedicated. (Mrs T.G. Hammond was the wife of the branch commandant Rev. T.G. Hammond, vicar of St. Gluvias. These presentations were to mark the leaving of the vicar and his wife to take up the vicariate of Probus).

The first of the British Legion weekly Whist Drives was held on Tuesday when prizes were won as follow: Mesdames Wills, Mainwarring, and Lang, Messrs. Rowe, Hobbs, and W. Ferris. Mrs Beard presented the prizes. M.C. was Mr Minson.