Visit to Bletchley Park - 9th June 2013
Members and friends of the Branch had a very enjoyable day at the Blecthley Park museum on Sunday 9th June. Although the weather was bitterly cold, this did not dampen their spirits in the slightest. On arrival, they were invited to listen to a most interesting account of the activities at this secret location during World War II. This was the followed by a guided tour which gave them an insight into the buildings and general history of Bletchley. Some members had previously visited around ten years ago and they were pleasantly surprised to see how the museum had expanded in terms of both buildings and exhibits.

Carol Service - 16th Dec 2012
Members of the North Weald Branch supported the Egroup annual carol service which
again was held at Holy Trinity Church at Hatfield Heath. Carols were sung by the choir and congregation of Royal British Legion members together with local families and children; a wonderful Christmas atmosphere preparing us for Christmas Day.
Afterwards a sumptuous buffet had been prepared by Hatfield Heath Branch which was extremely welcome and also an opportunity to meet and chat with other members.
Christmas Social - 14th Dec 2012
Annually, the Branch monthly meeting is replaced with a social for members and friends. This year, 70 people supported the event enjoying good music with seasonal mince pies and hot sausage rolls.
The President welcomed everybody and made presentations of long service to Poppy collectors. These were received by Fred Treves, Denis & Trish Mann and Chris & Peter Collins.
Presentations were made in absentia to Hazel Gill, Margaret Pomfret & Lynda Jefferson.
Albert Hall Remembrance Service - 10th November 2012

On the 10th November, Brenda Windsor and I set off to London; we were on our way to the Royal Albert Hall to attend the annual Remembrance Service.
We did not know what to expect, but from the time we entered the hall and took our seats the atmosphere was buzzing. People from all different walks of life come to this event to make it a really special evening.
Then the trumpeters announced the arrival of the Queen and the Royal Party and the concert began in earnest.
It made us proud to see all the Standards from the British Isles paraded by the Legion Standard Bearers. They were followed by the military bands. Then came the Military Wife's Choir who sang beautifully and then listened to Russell Watson singing.
This was followed by precision marching and drumming. They moved so fast and never seemed to miss a beat. There was a surprise appearance by Rod Stewart who sang ' Auld Lang Syne'. The soldiers made an altar from their drums and then the Union flag was draped on one side with the Legion flag on the other. Prayers were then said followed by the falling of petals, one for every serviceman and women who gave their lives for our country.
It was a very emotional experience for both of us, but said we had such a wonderful experience and would love to go again given the opportunity.
So thank you British Legion for allowing us to experience such a wonderful event.
Win Martin
Albert Hall Remembrance Service - 9th November 2013
"Our thanks to the Royal British Legion for the opportunity to attend the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall, we felt very privileged to be in the company of so many brave people. The evening was not only entertaining but very moving. We had a most memorable evening with excellent seats. It was a very professional performance by one and all, a night we will hold in our memories.
The programme should be shown in secondary schools as I am sure they do not really understand what was done to give them the lives they now lead.
Again our thanks.
Elsie and Terry Ward."