poppy field

Newton Abbot

National Conference 2023

Royal British Legion National Annual Conference 2023 - A reflection from the Branch Vice Chairman

Over the weekend of 19th to 21st May, myself along with Branch Chairman, Richard Underhill represented you, our members, as delegates, at National Conference which was held in very sunny Torquay. Additionally Branch committee members Nicola Cair (Secretary)and Debbie Toovey (Youth liaison) attended along with Club Chair Ann Jones.
Not forgetting our Standard Bearer… Michael Stark….
It was my first time at conference in person and I found it very informative and interesting.
There were two main messages which I took away from Conference - The first was the need of the RBL to change in order to encourage younger members into our charity. The second is the need to increase membership which sadly is currently declining. Both these national issues are true at a local level here in Newton Abbot. Both myself and the Chairman discussed theses very things recently. Now, more than ever do both the club and Branch need to work together. The RBL called it a ‘One Legion’ approach at conference and I couldn’t agree more!
Incidentally, if you are a follower of our Facebook page but not a member then why not join us? As well as becoming a member of the largest Armed Forces Charity, we have a fantastic social club here in Newton Abbot and joining could not be easier. Pop in and see us. We are located on Marsh Road by Cricketfield carpark.
As you know, we delegates voted on Motions at conference in a manner that reflected how you, the members, here in Newton Abbot, Royal British Legion wanted us to. The Chairman had the task of seconding the motion put forward by our friends from Plympton Branch.(Motion 10). And an excellent job he did too, he certainly helped to ensure the motion carried. I was proud to see Newton Abbot Branch’s name in lights.
The parade on Sunday was another highlight and those marching did a fantastic job given the distance and weather conditions.
Finally, I was proud to represent our members at Conference and its clear, despite sometimes not getting it right, our Charity is a fantastic one that does great things! We are the Royal British Legion and we will continue to work together as ‘One Legion’ for our beneficiary’s here in Devon.
If any member wishes to have a chat with me about conference I can be contacted by email,NewtonAbbot.vicechairman@rbl.community or by phone 07516543611.
Best wishes
Branch Vice Chairman