poppy field

Newton Abbot

AGM 2021

Meeting Minutes

[Newton Abbot Branch]



Meeting information






19:30 – 20:30


Newton Abbot RBL Club

Meeting type

Annual General Meeting


David Cair

Note taker

David Cair







Fourteen Branch Members were present.



Agenda items



  1. Welcome and Act of Remembrance. [Chairman]
  2. Apologies for absence. [Secretary]
  3. Chairman’s welcome. [Chairman]
  4. Adoption of the Minutes of the previous [Secretary/Chairman]

Proposer………………..Seconder…….………… Vote……………………

  1. Matters arising from previous meeting.
  2. President’s address.
  3. Chairman’s report.
  4. Presentation and Adoption of the Branch Plan.
  5. Presentation and Adoption of the Branch Accounts.

Proposer………………..Seconder…….………… Vote……………………

  1. Individual Officers’ reports.
  2. Membership Secretary.
  3. Vice Chairman.
  4. Standard Bearer.
  5. Branch Youth Liaison.
  6. Parade Marshal.
  7. Web Master.
  8. Poppy Appeal Organiser.
  9. Branch Community Support Representative.
  10. Review of Branch Byelaws.
  11. Election of Branch Officers and Committee. (As required)
  12. Nominations to National Office.
  13. Motions and Charter Motions for the Annual Meeting of the County Conference.
  14. Appointment of Delegates to the Annual Meeting of the County Conference and Annual Conference.
  15. Any Other Business (to be submitted at least one week prior to meeting)


  1. Date of next Branch Committee meeting. Next Committee meeting on completion of AGM. Next General meeting Monday 20th December 2021


  1. National Anthem.


  1. Kohima Epitaph.


  1. March off the Standard.


  1. Meeting Closed.



Item 1. Welcome and Act of Remembrance – Chairman





The Chairman, Richard Underhill, asked those present to be upstanding. The Branch Standard was marched in by the Standard Bearer, Mike Stark.  The Chairman asked that we think of our President, Glynn Waldron, who had sadly passed. The customary Exhortation was recited followed by a minutes silence.  



Item 2. Apologies for absence – Secretary






 Apologies received from – Mr. D Tester, Mr. R Pike, Mr. N Green, Mrs. N Cair, Mrs. B Underhill, Mr. & Mrs. Grainger- Gove, Mr. & Mrs. Rogers


Item 3. Chairman’s Welcome






The Chairman welcomed everyone to the AGM, especially Devon County Vice Chairman, Yasmin Gibbins.



Item 4. Adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM.






The Chairman presented the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 16th of November 2020


Proposed by Ann Jones and Seconded by Dave Harcombe that the that the Minutes of the meeting held on 16th November 2020 are a true record of the meeting.  All in favour.



The Minutes were subsequently SIGNED by the Chairman and Secretary.



Item 5. Matters Arising from previous AGM






No matters arising.



NC to send Nomination form to MSO




Item 6. President’s Address




As the Branch has no President the Chairman read out a statement prepared by the County Chairman


For many branches the the annual general meeting has been the first opportunity to meet face to face since March 2019.


In Devon, we moved to an online platform using both Microsoft Teams and zoom maintaining engagement with branches virtually. Offering online training with one of the ways we continued our support during the dark days of the pandemic.


Head office communications also moved to online platforms and regular briefings have been provided to county chairman, MSO’s, and on a number of occasions our members by using Microsoft Teams to create virtual town hall style meetings covering subjects such as corporate updates, branch community support, and in September 2020 the legion annual conference was broadcast to the members as a webinar. It worked so well that in 2021 the conference was also produced in this format and took place on the 15th of May the birth date of the legion and included an online act of remembrance from the National Memorial Arboretum.


November 2020 so I reduced Poppy Appeal with limited merchandise and personnel. Our collectors did their best and although not a bumper year by any means the appeal brought in around £36 million for the period October 2022 September 2021. Welsh income which down so were the associated costs of expenditure on merchandise which in effect meant the impact was less than it could have been.


Area teams continue to work from home and requests for welfare has continued. Pre pandemic average waiting times for assistance was 17 dairies, now they are much reduced with an average response to routine requests being three days. If there are any benefits to be derived from the COVID-19 period this would be one.


Currently the legion operational (welfare) staff are undergoing a review with a number of recommendations being shared with membership at the town hall meetings. One recommendation that was acted upon swiftly was the closure of the 16 pop in centres, for us this meant the closure of the office in Plymouth. The office has now been cleared and a visible presence in Plymouth no longer exists. That said, 6 regional pop ins have been created, these are London, Cardiff, Belfast, Edinburgh, Manchester, and Birmingham.


Impact for us as a county is low, staff working from home policy remains the way forward. Our beneficiaries continued to be supported and waiting times are far better than pre pandemic levels. Sign posting for assistant should be to the legion contact centre on 0808 8028080.


The visible side of our organisation will be clubs, our branch websites, and social media platforms. All will play a crucial part in local engagement and branches and clubs are encouraged to develop a plan for ensuring any contact by a beneficiary is a positive one.


In my 2021 the Legion turned 100 celebrating its centenary by replicated the act of placing 4 wreaths at the cenotaph in London as occurred on the 15th of May 1921. In Devon a number of branches could trace their lineage to 1921 and various events were organised from cream teas to gala dinners. The county itself can trace its formation date to the 21st of November 1921 when a number of branches met at the United Services club in Exeter and voted to create a county structure headed by a county chairman.


In July our Membership Support Officer Adrienne Long retired. Due to the changes within the legion and the consultant process recruitment was put on hold and instead we were allocated an interim MSO, at first covered by the Cornwall MSO Martin Pelling who was then seconded to a role in Dorset. We were then provided with cover by the Buckinghamshire MSO Lynn Lawson.


County membership remains good with 6500 Legionnaires linked to 62 branches. The county has 9 legion clubs,


And finally, online meetings for some aspects of our work at county level will continue, in some cases a hybrid approach may be considered with both face to face and online aspects occurring at the same time, that said, face to face will continue to be a preferred method where it is possible. From a county perspective this will start with our county quarterly meeting on Saturday 4th December 2021 at Starcross Royal British Legion club.


It is a new start with a change of team dynamics, we look forward to working with you and taking the county from strength to strength providing advice, guidance, training, and above all comradeship.



Actions: Nil


Item 7. Chairman’s Report






1.TheChairman, Richard Underhill, gave his report:


this year sees the centenary of our branch. I had been convinced that this was on the 21st of November but records at Haig house show it to be on 1st November. We will be holding a birthday party in the club in the form of a bangers and mash night and also a church service at Saint Luke’s church, Milber, we have been invited to attend a service which will include a Blessing and rededication of the Branch Standard.


Remembrance Sunday was again a success, many groups and organisations being represented.  Thanks to Fr Nick, Rev Bruce, Paul, Parade Marshal, the Lone Piper who surprised everyone and to the Detachment from HMS Triumph who reportedly had a great afternoon I the club and carried on later in town.


Looking at what we have achieved.  Decoration Day was much reduced with just a few in attendance.

We laid wreaths for most commemorative occasions, Falklands, Monte Cassino, Battle of Britain etc,

We also attended the Town Mayors civic service.

Our County and Branch meetings continued virtually.

The gazebo only was taken out on two occasions this year.  St Luke’s Fete, and the reduced Ippletipple event. The Vice Chairman dressed as a Poppy.  These are awareness / profile raising.  Hopefully next year there will be more events and greater help from volunteers.

Although not in last year, the Devon County Chairman, Kevin Jeffery, retires on 29th of this Month to take up the position of MSO.

Training has been limited. This should pick up next year and you are all encouraged to attend at least a Branch Management Course.

The Future - Decoration Day 5th of June.  Taking gazebo out and info days.

Thank you to Officers and Committee for their support over the year.


Action: Decoration Day




Item 8. Presentation and adoption of Branch Plan








The Vice Chairman presented the report


I hope that everyone has had a chance to peruse the Branch Plan.   

The Branch Plan is a LIVE document, it will evolve and be updated during the year.

A while ago, two years I believe, we divided responsibility for the various sections of the plan between the officers and committee members to look after and brief, however due to covid and lockdown no one really got the opportunity to explore their sections so I won’t be calling on them to brief their segments. (Maybe next year!)


We had a set of mixed results with meeting our targets over the past twelve month the revised Branch Plan has taken this into account.

I have retained the traffic light signaling system which I feel does help highlight at a glance how we are doing.


A couple of points I would like to raise.

2.1            Branch Community Support.  Generally, we are doing well. One area we need to improve is 2.1.7 Wider engagement with surrounding towns/villages which have no RBL branch so……

2.2            Fundraising

2.2.1 Again I set an unrealistic Poppy Appeal target for last year, hopefully we will do better this one.

2.3            Remembrance and Ceremonial.

We are on the whole good at this. 2.3.4 Acts of remembrance - I will again publish a list of Remembrance events for 2022 in due course. Additionally, I have a personal project that I want to carry out over the course of 2022 involving CWGC sites.

2.4            Membership, Recruiting and Events.

2.4.1 Continue to increase branch membership from across the town and wider community.  Membership is shrinking.  We need a campaign to raise awareness and attract new members. Everything under youth activities is RED, mainly due to Covid we have been unable to get into our schools on a regular basis or even interact with Youth / Cadet organisations

2.5            Training. No change in objectives.  But as the Chair identified Branch officers and Committee (and wider membership) not up to date in Branch Management need encouraging to attend courses.

2.6            Administration and Finance. Everything in the Green



Can I ask you take your copies of the Plan and let me know any amendments or additions to the plan that you want looking at.

Can I propose that we adopt this Branch Plan, and I will send it to County for their approval.




Action: All in favor.  DC to submit to County            




Item 9. Presentation and Adoption of Branch Accounts





 The Treasurer, Dave Harcombe, presented the accounts:


Copies of the accounts were distributed.

Accounts have been examined.

Proposed by Ann Jones Seconded by Richard Webb All agreed.



Action: Nil




Item 10. Individual Officers’ Reports         






a)    Secretary


The Vice Chair read the report from Secretary Nicola Cair:

Nicola sends her apologies. I think most of you here know she is battling cancer and the Chemo & radiotherapy are taking it out of her.  She does fully intend to pick up her duties again when she is well enough.


No report as everything covered by other officers (Hopefully)


She would like to remind Officers and Committee stay behind after the AGM to complete the MS1



b)    Membership Secretary


The Membership Secretary, Dave Cair, gave his report:

Due to ongoing pandemic restrictions Membership figures have taken a bit of a hammering.

We have been unable to hold any recruitment events, and this is reflected in membership numbers.

The membership is down 18% on 2020 and now stands at 259

Numbers have been slowly creeping up over the last few weeks and I hope that in 2022 we can hold recruiting and awareness events to bolster our numbers.



c)    Standard Bearer


The Standard Bearer, Mike Stark, gave his report:

Slow year. 6 Funerals attended, Decoration Day, Battle of Britain Day.

He had also paraded at the Festival of Remembrance in the Royal Albert Hall.

Standard now has Centenary pennant.


d)    Branch Youth Liaison


Nil report, not present


e)    Parade Marshal


Nil report, not present


f)      Poppy Appeal Organiser


The POA, Richard Underhill, gave his report:

A struggle this year getting collectors

To date £12,967 £2,500 in office to bank.  No boxes in yet.  It is hoped to double the total.

This year we had four card readers £4056 collected on these.

Additionally, we are awaiting Sainsbury collection figures.

Thank you for all who helped.


g)    Branch Community Support Representative


The BCS Rep report was delivered by Dave Cair:

We were restricted in many respects in carrying out many BCS activities.

However, for our branch, we did very well.


Telephone Buddy Calls – 235 (Down on the previous 12 months but in that year we made a lot more Covid Welfare Checks)


The Standard attended 6 funerals


I logged 20 events - These were mainly Wreath laying’s but also we did manage to get the Gazebo out on a couple of occasions.


BCS training has been on hold but there is an online training session on 25th November at 530pm if anyone is interested.



h)    Vice Chairman


The Vice Chairman gave his report:

He reported on the Gala dinner held in October in conjunction with Paignton Branch. £220 raised


i)      Web Master


The Web Master, Yasmin Gibbins, gave a report:

Material is needed for Web Site.

DC Reported Facebook and Twitter up and running

Web Master post will be vacant as YG to give up position due to County Chair responsibilities.




Item 11. Review of Branch Byelaws






The report was given by Dave Cair

All being well you have all seen a copy of the Byelaws. The only real changes are date and a few modifications to Covid references


If there are no concerns as to the contents I would like to submit that they be passed on to County for approval.

Proposed by Mie Leaman Seconded by Mike Stark

Item 12. Election of Officers and Committee











Ann Jones stated that if Richard Underhill stood down as Branch Chairman he would make an excellent Branch President. Richard said he intended to stand again as Chairman, but he agreed to think about it and would seriously consider it.


Chairman – Richard Underhill – elected for 3 Years

Secretary – Nicola Cair – elected for 3 Years

Committee – Medland Germon- elected for 2 Years

Committee – Richard Dredge – elected for 3 Years

Committee – Mike Joyce -elected for 3 Years

Committee – Rick Webb – elected for 2 years

Treasurer – Dave Harcombe – appointed for 2 years


Item 13. Nominations to National Office







Item 14. Motions and Charter Motions for the Annual Meeting of the County Conference







Item 15. Appointment of delegates to the annual meeting of the county conference and annual conference.






Richard Underhill appointed as Branch delegate.

Item 16. Any other Business













Dave Cair asked it we still had the two £50 ASDA cards for BCS purposes – Cards to be kept in office,

The County Vice Chairman presented Dave Cair with a Devon County President’s Certificate of Commendation for his hard work throughout Covid He joined Branch Committee in 2017 as Vice chairman, was instrumental in setting up the Branch Plan, and displays dynamism and enthusiasm and rallied the committee during covid to support the members.

Eliot Kay, Club President, thanked the Branch for the assistance given through the year.

Item 17. Date of next Committee meeting.






Next Committee meeting on completion of AGM.  Next General meeting Monday 20th December 2021



Item 18. National Anthem








The Chairman stated that the business of the meeting being concluded we should remember our duty to our Queen, Country, and Comrades and to our Branch. Let us be ready at all times to foster the spirt of brotherhood and mutual helpfulness to which we are   dedicated never forgetting our solemn obligations as members of The Royal British Legion.


The first version of the National Anthem was sung




Item 19. Kohima Epitaph






When you go home tell them of us and say

For your tomorrow we gave our today



Item 20. March off the Standard






The Standard was Marched off by Standard Bearer Mike Stark



Item 21. Meeting Closed






The Chairman closed the Annual General Meeting at 20:30



Signature……………….………        Signature……………….…………………



Name…Richard Underhill... (Chairman) Name…Nicola Cair……….........(Secretary)



Date……… ………………………………….



