poppy field

Newton Abbot



Branch Annual General Meeting

Notification is hereby given that the

Annual General Meeting


Newton Abbot Branch of The Royal British Legion will be held:


The Royal British Legion Club, Newton Abbot.


DATE: Monday 20st November 2023   TIME: 19.00 (7pm) for 19.30 (7.30pm).


The business to be transacted shall be to:


  • Consider reports and accounts for the past year.
  • Elect Officers and Committee members as required.
  • Elect Branch Delegate(s)
  • Agree and adopt Branch 3 Year plan.
  • Review Branch Byelaws
  • Consider and raise motions to the County Conference.


Please complete and return the enclosed Branch AGM Registration and Nomination Form and return to the Branch Secretary no later than Sunday 12th November 2023.


Any items for inclusion on the agenda are to be submitted, in writing, to the Branch Secretary by 12th November 2023.

Nicola Cair.

Branch Secretary.