poppy field


Remembrance 2013

This year's Remembrance has been a busy one for our Standard Bearer, Darrell Russell. His first event was at the Gloucester Festival of Remembrance on the 3rd November. He then paraded our Standard at the Royal Albert Hall on Saturday 9th. He made it hot foot back to Minchinhampton to parade our standard in church at 0930 and then at our memorial at 1100 on Sunday the 10th. Having got used to the early mornings he next paraded our standard at Minchinhampton Primary School at 0900 on the 11th, rounding off his marathon with a short service at our memorial at 1100. The Branch is most grateful for his dedication. 

Darrell said that it was with great pride that he was selected to represent Gloucestershire and in particular Minchinhampton at the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall. It was a very full day with security checks at 7am, then a full rehersal at 8am, ultimately leading to a performance at 2pm and again at 7pm. It was a very busy day but very worthwhile and a wonderful festival as everyone that was there, and those that watched it on tv, all agreed.

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