poppy field


Our thanks go to Ken Bucknell and his team for putting on a super tombola. Despite the cooler weather the day went without a hitch and hopefully we have recruited a few new members to join us. The Branch was able to donate £150 to the Fayre Committee to be distributed amongst the assigned beneficiaries; we also raised £150 for the Poppy Appeal. The Branch are
grateful for all the donations received for our stall and the team that manned it through the day. Of greatest benefit was that we achieved all our aims. Our Standard Bearer, Darrell Russell, lead the parade just behind the Town Crier. This was followed by Darrell being on the stage with the Town Crier to open the Fayre. We also publicized that Darrell would be representing Gloucestershire and parading our Branch Standard at this year’s Remembrance Parade in the Royal Albert Hall. We also recruited some new members and obtained the services of some additional collectors to help during the Poppy Appeal.


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