poppy field


The County Branch of the Royal British Legion considers annually the presentation of An Achievement Award to its members whose activities over the years have provided enduring support to the aims of the organisation. This year Minchinhampton Branch has had two members so honoured.
The County Chairman, Group Captain Anny Reid, presented this award to Ken Brown during this month’s Branch Meeting. Unfortunately, Ken Bucknell was away on holiday so was not present to receive his award.
Ken Brown joined the Minchinhampton Branch in 1992 and 2 years later took on the role of Treasurer on a temporary basis. This ‘temporary’ appointment lasted until 2012 when he finally stepped down from the role! He has kept a healthy balance for the Branch’s funds, which have grown and always pass audit with flying colours. He continues to give sterling support to the Branch as a Committee Member.
Ken Brown Award
Ken Bucknell stepped down as Minchinhampton Branch Chairman at the last AGM. His leadership has kept the Branch vibrant and his contacts with other organisations within the town have ensured that the British Legion is well supported and provides welfare support to those in need. He continues to play an active part on the Branch. He received his award later at the Branch Fish and Chip Supper, and Auction from the Branch Chairman, Ian Ross.
Ken Bucknell Achievement Award
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