poppy field

Milton Keynes

The Poppy Appeal in Milton Keynes Jubilee

Milton Keynes Jubilee Branch this year we raised £53,007.80 this is an excelent total going far over our target, Well done all.   

My thanks go out to all the commitee for there help during our recent Poppy appeal and i would also like to thank all the People that gave up there time from outside the branch for there help. My gratitude goes to Erika Harris and David Morris for organising the helpers at Sainsbury`s as without her help i wouldnt have got it done. Other people to thank are Harry & Jeff,  Theresa & stan for the hard work they put in at there respective tables.

Anyone requiring any poppy items (wreaths, poppy pins, poppies) please contact me below.

Poppy People

With the 2018/2019 poppy appeal being a centenary cellebration the branch PAO is looking for volunteers to help with the static tables if any of our members can spare a couple of hours  to help please contact John wren.

Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator on John Wren.