The Poppy Appeal in Marlow
Poppy People
Anyone interested in helping with the Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator by e-mail to Barbara Murphy or phone (01628 474482)
Each year the Royal British Legion runs the Poppy Appeal from 1st October to the 30th September the following year. The main event being the Poppy Appeal Fortnight which precedes Remembrance Sunday.
Poppy Appeal 2019/20
The Poppy Appeal fortnight will be launched on Saturday 26th October
Poppy Appeal 2018/19
A special year this year as it included the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armistice of the Great War. We were honoured that the Mayor gave the cadets their Poppy boxes at the launch of the Poppy Appeal. The Appeal has been exceptional this year and has raised £38,270.62, a magnificent sum. Many thanks to all the residents of Marlow in achieving this total. MANY THANKS
Poppy Appeal 2017/18
The Appeal raised £31,326.33
Poppy Appeal 2016/17
The Poppy Appeal was launched by the Town Mayor who distributed the boxes to cadets to distribute. This year the Appeal was hampered by the closure of the bridge and consequently the footfall in town was very much reduced. Nevertheless the generosity of Marlovians still shine through. The amount raised stands at £32,396.31
Poppy Appeal 2015/16
The Town Mayor Cllr Bob Johnson launched Marlow's Poppy Appeal on Saturday 24th October. The Appeal has gone well despite some appalling weather this year. As at the 1st December the total amount that has been raised since 1 October 2015 stands at £36,021.46. Thank you all for helping to raise this sum.
Poppy Appeal 2014/15
The Town Mayor, Suzanne Brown, launched the Branch's Poppy Appeal at the Royal British Legion Club on Saturday 25th October. Collecting boxes were handed to the cadets of TS Apollo Marlow Sea Cadets and 1811 (Marlow) Sqn Air Training Corps. After distributing boxes to the commercial premises the Cadets collected throughout the day. Ricky Gervais supported the Appeal by buying his poppy from Corporal Daniel Wallis-Banbury of 1811 (Marlow) Sqn.

The Poppy Appeal has gone exceptionally well this year with £38,146.26 being collected. This is an increase on the total for last year. So yet again a BIG THANKYOU to Marlow residents for their oustanding support to the Poppy Appeal.
Poppy Appeal 2013/14
This year's Poppy Appeal has gone very well so far and thanks must go to our team of collectors and the youth members of TS Apollo and 1811 Sqn Air Training Corps who have all been so successful with the street collections. Thanks must go to all the establishnments that have hosted collecting boxes this year.
The 2013/14 Appeal has finished and Marlow has raised £30,694.03 SO A BIG THANKYOU TO ALL IN MARLOW WHO HELPED US TO REACH THIS MAGNIFICENT TOTAL