The Poppy Appeal in Market Harborough
The Branch Poppy Appeal Organiser, Stewart Harrison, is responsible for operating Market Harborough Poppy Appeal Area.
Poppy People
Collectors are always required,
If you are willing to help in the next Poppy Appeal please contact Stewart Harrison on 07835738921 or email:
Market Harborough Contribution to the Appeal
The total raised in the appeal year 2009 / 2010 was £22,214.
In the year 2010 / 2011 the amount raised was a record breaking £29,887.
For 2022 /2023 (so far) £24,429.46 was raised
What was Involved
Our Poppy Appeal Area covers about 45 square miles with many small villages including Market Harborough and Kibworth.
We run a Poppy Stall in Market Harborough market.
To act as a base and control centre for the street collectors we use a stall in the Market Hall. Each day the required numbers of boxes and trays are brought to the stall, together with poppies and other items to refill the trays when the collectors return at the end of their stints. Their boxes are taken for safe-keeping and money counting.
The stall is also important as a display and information area attempting to explain the work of the Legion and the need for the Poppy Appeal. It is also a useful source of contributions.
So well done everybody, and a big Thank You to all the people of Market Harborough district who have been so generous again.